Write that down, it peed

The conflict in the Diarchy throne room is resolved via a conversation with Queen Kryn herself. The Librarians have one day to arrive in Xhorhas with Prophet, who has had a totally stunning revelation.

Write that down, it peed

Session 65

A pause in the action. The King and Queen have returned and the wizards have laid down an anti-magic field. The Queen wants to know what's going on and Prophet says, "What a spectacle! You were all so amused and entertained. Thank you for joining us here," with a Nat-20 deception. The King, crushing on Prophet, believes it fully, and the Queen plays along because of the vibe. Tissiphone and Niminion also are game, but are seething. As tensions lower, Tissiphone addresses the Diarchy to mention that Prophet must speak with Leylas Kryn immediately. In other words, her hand was forced due to Prophet ignoring previous summons. She says that Prophet has done nearly as much as Leylas has with uniting people.

Maltheo quickly says telepathically to the Queen, "Tissiphone is lying. This is not the last action they could have taken. This is their first and only way to deal with other countries. I know you're reticent to ally with the Empire. I hope this makes you reconsider," with a Nat 20 deception. She looks at Maltheo but doesn't reply.

"Of course we've always been friends with the Kryn Dynasty. We intend on maintaining that coexistence peacefully. We understand you had no other option than to teleport here today; though a head's up would have been nice. You must understand, wanted or not Prophet has been quite instrumental in helping the Elves of Uthodurn reclaim their home of Molaesmyr. As always, we claim neutrality, and I will not take arms against you or the Prophet, but understand this: we have business with him as well and you cannot take him by force. If you wish, we can establish a communication with your Queen directly so that the Diarchy can speak with her privately."

Tissiphone looks at Niminion (her boss) who steps forward and says, "That is acceptable. If you give me a moment we can make arrangements. Now King, Queen, apologies for what you're about to witness." They then explain that Olomon (whose eye is glowing red with Vesh obviously watching) was a traitor to their kind with the dark-dealings revelations, and then reads a spell scroll outside the anti-magic field, and it turns to black ash. At the same time Olomon falls to the floor, dead. He, along with the dead echo knight, are packed into their bag of holding.

Maltheo to Prophet: "See how they would have treated you so well?"

The royalty organize their "phone call".

Maltheo quickly communicates privately with his handler, and says that, "A proper alliance with the Diarchy and Empire should happen quickly. The Kryn have invaded and are speaking with the King and Queen. It should be us and not them."

After, Æsheryn heals Maltheo. Niminion uses a small amount of a special liquid to release the beacon from their hand and put back into their bag.

Prophet says that he has something important to tell us: There's a chance that he possibly may not be who he claims to be.

Æsheryn asks why are they chasing him if he's not the real Prophet. He says he was born a no one and found an item that belonged to a Prophet and just… assumed the role. Briya is incredulous at how no one seems to have checked on this. Prophet explains a silly test that was lucky, involving a key, helped too. A special blue key that unlocked the light for the others. In fact, we've seen this key in portraits of the Prophet.

Maltheo says that we've stood by him time and again, and yet he's not trusting us with information. Why? Maltheo reminds Prophet that he has had visions of Kamordah's founding. Prophet says he had gained so much power and influence and love that he couldn't give it up. "Does anyone in Xhorhas know this?! What will happen if they find out?"

The Kryn aren't kind to their prisoners of war. Prophet says he fears they may have caught on, but isn't sure about that, or why they want him. But he has also wanted an escape from it all. "There may have been one person who also... let's just say they believed me more than him. I managed to convince them he was lying. He was then cast out, so… the real prophet may still be out there, named Axon Proper. I was born with the name Flim; the house knew me as Juriel.

"What are your lying instincts telling you to do now?" Maltheo asks. "I'm not asking these things to hurt you. What do you want to do. The decision you're facing right now implicates us all. We need a plan."

"I must continue assuming the role. I'll go with them if I must. I've prayed that my lies were truths. But once I started having the real visions, I doubted myself more." He then Insights himself for a 31 to see just how much he truly believes who and what he is, while he explains himself. (Remembering recipe for poison; the founding of Kamordah; etc…) These are moments where Prophet was connecting with himself, not the actual Prophet. It's a great revelation now to realize why it never worked before. He was calling on the wrong person. The house knew his true name. Maybe that's what should be called upon in the future. But he's not quite sure he wants to admit to himself yet that he's not the Prophet, but Juriel Kryn.

Æsheryn asks Maltheo what we should do. He replies that we should kill Axon to secure Prophet's spot. Other ideas come up, and Prophet doesn't want to lose his place. But he could be a member of house Kryn, learn more about Amnesis and more about his past.

The Diarchy returns from the meeting, and walking behind them is the image of a tall Drow woman. She's wearing a white silvery gown that ends in a crystalline breastplate and shoulders. A sprouting crystal crown is on her head in a very Elven design with a mineral appearance. She has long white hair down to her lower back and is holding a tall staff. She looks elderly, even for an Elf. Her authority is unquestionable; she exudes total regal authority.

She speaks in Undercommon to her people first. To Niminion, "Shadowhand, the matter is settled. Return to me at once. Collect your people and take leave so we may talk of these events." They do so immediately and wait in a corner until the conversation is done.

To Prophet she says, "It is good to see you again after all this time, even via these means. It is time for us to discuss these rumors emerging about you. I think it is important for you to know that you are not in any trouble… yet."

He bows, "My Queen, I would be more than honored to speak with you. There's much to discuss."

"Indeed there is. You and your party are expected to appear at the Radiant Citadel at your earliest convenience. Now would be preferable; tomorrow at the latest. But understand that any more delays will… reflect badly upon you. We need to figure out who you are and how much of you has come out."

She steps closer, and in a lower voice says, "Do not mistake me: I am happy to see my sister alive, but we need to know how much of her is in there," then switches back into her regal countenance. In broken Common she speaks loudly, "Good King and Queen of Uthodurn, it is good our friendship is good. In the name of the Dynasty we apologize once again for entering your halls. We are grateful for your understanding and respect for our internal affairs."

Fruunast: "We'll provide you any means necessary to reach Rosohna as soon as possible. Teleportations, etc. We understand Molaesmyr can't wait long either; be  assured the spirits and knowledge you found will be waiting for you upon your return."

The Kryn Queen's hologram fades away. Niminion finishes their teleport circle and they all disappear in a silvery mist.

Imathan: "This might be some sort of blessing in disguise. While you head to Rosohna to work with the Queen, I'll reach out to my contacts to work with the Cerberus Assembly. Collaborating with the Empire may finally be a way to settle what's going on in Molaesymr. By the time you return we may have a plan of action."

He then grabs Prophet's hand to shake it. "Yes the relationship with the Kryn will be good," and Prophet winks back.

Briya goes to the Fox and casts Gaes to bind him to honor his promise to the group and to not take actions against fixing Molaesmyr. He replies that magic or not, that is what was going to happen and intentionally fails the save to allow the spell to take hold.

Prophet does an Amnesis ceremony, this time searching for Juriel. A vision of the bustling new town of Kamordah. It is revealed that there is a previously unknown Beacon of the Luxon under the fountain. Moving further back in time, he sees someone holding the beacon in both hands. A Drow man with a shaved head wearing a golden circlet, and a poisoned dagger protruding from his belly with a look of shock and terror, the beacon going back into his hands. It's all playing backwards. In essence, Juriel killed someone for a beacon.

In the background he sees a small castle of black stone near mountains with red trees that have purple bark.

He is not the Radiant Prophet… he is the woman who killed him.