Welcome to Wildemount

In our first session, we briefly introduce the world in which our five heroes find themselves, and the inciting incident that brings them to agree to travel together.

A photo by Kent Davis of a large tortoise in the traveling settlement of Urzin
Urzin - by Kent Davis

Session 1 (virtual)

Welcome to Wildemount. The year is 845 post-divergence (that's when the divine gate was closed), and Xhorhas and the Dwendalian Empire have been at war for years. Tensions are high at the border, which has both the Empire's Ashguard garrison and what is (now) Xhorhas's Rockguard garrison. (It was recently seized by Xhorhas). The empire has been sending patrols further and further east into Xhorhas territory, to show that they will not be easily pushed around.

We start our story in Urzin. It’s a nomadic settlement because, unlike most villages in Xhorhas, it’s a town that is built on giant traveling tortoises. They are literally gargantuan.

Today is a special day: the 7th of Misuthar, known as “The Day of Challenging”, which is a celebration to the god Kord the Stormlord. Around all of Xhorhas, and especially here in Urzin, they do contests of strength and combat. The leader of the town can be challenged, too. During these festivities, one of the tortoises has strayed from the path; a smaller, younger one. It has been caught and attacked by a group of kolbold hunters. Luckily for the Urzinites, a group of travelers is nearby and comes to their aid!

During combat, we meet:

Maltheo, a dark tiefling with black hair and jeweled clothing. He appears to be a monk with a black blade made of metal and bone. He's momentarily distracted by a memory that floods his mind. It was a conversation with two others: Dje'ri and an Empire officer. The officer notes that Dje'ri has accused Maltheo of having problems controlling his temper and his disdain for the battalion. But he also knows that Maltheo's stealthy prowess at being quick, efficient, and deadly are perfect for a mission from the Augen Trust: Go to Urzin and investigate Inquisitor Perinost.

Kra'naelen, an average-in-size but athletic looking long-haired ginger human carrying a crossbow and wielding two very ornate rings that are very obviously made of expert Dwarven and Elven craftsmanship. He is dressed simply, but well-done, in a thigh-length dark blue-hued duster with silver flourishes, leather boots, and a wolf-pelt adorned calf-length cloak. He remembers Dorda, a short Dwarven man with a blonde beard and military cut, informing him that he will need to walk through Empire territory to reach Bol'bara in Urzin, an acclaimed shamanistic caster who might help us identify and solve the problems spreading in the Savalirwood.

Briya, a bright, wide-eyed halfling who is tall for her kind, with ginger hair. She carries a glowing staff in one hand and a shield in the other. She remembers a moment a few days ago, crossing the border near the Empire's Ashguard garrison & the gold road. As she crossed into Urzin with her group, the Bells and Whistles circus, it was quite a ruckus! Some carts were pulled by horses, others were mechanized. The circus originated in Hupperdook and was started by two wives: Bell, a gnomish woman with salt and pepper hair, glasses, and a hunched posture with a nervous expression, and Whistle. Briya isn't really interested in the circus per se; she just likes the tech. As she parted ways with the circus, Alkuk didn’t come and say goodbye. In fact, most people are just being polite and not really doing heartfelt goodbyes.

Mint, a very tall Orc... nearly 7 feet. A masculine appearing woman covered in tattoos, with the sides of her head shaved and just very butch hair in general. She's adorned with a wooden shield and a flail. She has fierce, mint-green eyes. Her memory is of beating men in arm-wrestling contests feats-of-strength during the celebrations when she heard Kryn shouts of “we lost our temple, we lost our temple!”

Prophet, a young-looking half drow/half human with shoulder-length hair who is dressed in robes that are very religious/cleric in appearance. He has a flashback to his earlier trip to Urzin. It had been a very quiet night, halfway between the two cities. The Aurora Watch (aka the Kryn army) were wearing their chitinous armor and some riding Moorbounders, which are panther-like, strange creatures you can mount. He's remembering people adoring him and, one in particular, saying that "We’ll be starting in Urzin to expand and grow your followers."

Having dispatched with the kolbold invaders, the group retires to Prophet's tent for a brief rest. Here, Briya reveals that she's from the velven thicket, and is on the way to see the Vermaloc Wildwood, a forest in Xorhas where the trees are all red. Prophet has seen it before and knows it well. Mint is traveling toward Rosohna due to having received a letter saying they belong to a Den. Mint happens to know Bol’bara, the mystic Kra'naelen is looking for.

One of the Prophet’s orcs brings us to the “main turtle” where we meet a large ogre “Chief Buhfal II”, who beat his father to take the seat of Urzin. He promises us rewards if we're able to find and bring back Bol'bara, who is revealed to have gone missing just this morning while most likely out alone in the Brokenveil Marsh. It is there that Empire patrols are seen more often lately, so she may have been taken and kidnapped. Buhfal introduces Morgid as a scout who can show us the way through the marsh... there are rumors that some of the Empire have built a fort on the west end of the marsh in the foothills.