The tallest, greenest lady with the biggest, blackest dick

The gang gets used to their new leveled-up selves, as they venture into a newly discovered cave full of kobolds that are mining drugs for an unknown patron

A cave of many directions. Who knows what lies ahead?
A cave of many directions. Who knows what lies ahead?

Session 8

All of our cave-foes are defeated, and we're all stronger and more powerful for our troubles. Matheo has some introspection (on a Tuesday) about his new snake-shadow-arm abilities. Then we see two flying things in the distance, and another creature in the wildlands: a big, tall, burly ape. Prophet knows that these giant Udocks can be caught and captured and used as siege beasts.

At the end of the day, we reach the foot of the mountain range and are guided by "little pig boy" showing us a field of grass on a plateau where a very small opening is visible in the distance. It appears to be a cave entrance that is barricaded from intruders.

Briya turns into a spider to do some reconnaissance inside the cave. There’s a man coming out of the cave who makes the two sentries stand at attention from his presence. He’s got a resting bitch face look, human, with a black cloak. He speaks in Draconic to them, and opposite of his messenger bag that’s full, pulls out a broom and uses it to fly away, heading west.

Briya's cave investigation continues. There’s a series of tunnels with some guards and rooms. One of the rooms has a group of kobolds who are grinding up the drugs they're harvesting from the cave's depths. One of them snorts some and has a good-then-bad trip. Briya makes it back out to us and fills us in on all the details.

We decide to attack from two sides and dispatch the 5 guards easily. Kra’naelen accidentally triggers a 10 foot deep trap with 3 worms inside. He's able to misty-step out and we continue into the cave. We kill lots more kolbolds on the way; and to be continued as one of them is ticking...