She practices Emocraft

A side story, looking at an eventful day from Briya's past. She and some friends attend the nearby carnival while the Fire Ashari visit the Velven Thicket for the first time.

She practices Emocraft
Map of the Witchlight Carnival

Session 36

A flashback style side-story to a time before Briya has joined The Librarians.

We begin on a young Briya, who is in the Velven Thicket, participating in a story-telling circle for the Dyolet tribe. They are at the base of one of the biggest Dyolet trees in existence. It bears faintly-glowing fruit and seems to hum from within; a beautifully spiral-patterned bark covers its trunk and branches. The tribe consists of mostly halflings, with some gnomes and others mixed in. An older, smaller man who certainly has some years on his face, evidenced by his slightly-red-but-now-mostly-white beard, carrying gnarled walking stick. He also wields a small shield shaped very much like a dreamcatcher. Everyone in the circle is obviously familiar with the Dyolet dreamcatcher.

Other characters in the circle are: Laurel the rogue (played by Rhys), Kromithrin "Mithrie" the ranger (played by Josh), and Mistral the fighter, (played by Sam).

Elder Greenleaf, Briya's grandfather, is finishing the the story of the four Ashari tribes that guard the points on the planet where the elemental and material planes intersect. The Fire Ashari are visiting today, so it's important to know their history and how they came to protect the portals between our lands and the elemental planes. He asks the four friends to go to the edge of the thicket and greet our honored guests, then bring them here. He gives the shield to Briya as no one can enter without it: it's also a magical key protecting the thicket from outsiders. It has been passed from druid elder to druid elder, made from a dyolet tree.

Set with our task, we make our way out of the village toward the outskirts of the thicket. There's light conversation on the way when Mithrie thinks he notices something; it turns out it's an albino death weasel that is running right for us! It has a very strong, poisonous odor and reaches Laurel very quickly.


Successfully dispatching the weasel, the gang takes a short rest, during with Kromithrin successfully extracts some of the musk pouch. He gets a single-use of death weasel musk attack. (20ft cone poison)

Not long after, we see a large delegation of around 20 people, wearing Grecian style out fits, in a variety of warm toned reds, browns, and oranges. One tall, muscular thick guy with ashen-gray skin appears. He has short cropped black hair, a small beard, and visible cracks on his forehead that reveal an orange magma glow coming from the skull. A wafting scent of brimstone follows him in the air.

Elder Fernius of the Fire Ashari introduces himself to us. He says he's here to meet the druids living in the Velven Thicket. After introductions are made, we make our way back toward the center of the thicket. On this small journey, we take note that many of the Ashari have Elven traits and are focused on light eqiupment, as opposed to heavy weapons or massive plate armor. In the rear, a shorter and slower halfling woman follows, wearing a yellow/orange/brown outfit, with brown hair in a slightly-stranding bun, with tattoos wrapped around her arms.

More history of the Fire Ashari is told on our walk. They were on the volcanic lands of Kemorda, in the southern part of the Dwendalian Empire. It's very fertile land, perfect for growing a variety of crops and plums. They just wanted to see & experience this part of the country. It's then that Laurel notices a purple folded piece of cardboard falling from the halfling woman's pocket. Laurel picks it up and moves away to inspect it, and finds that it's done in nice calligraphy with a sketched drawing in the middle. "In a town near you the Bells and Whistles Travelling Wonder; Andres the Fire Wonder" and a sketch of tiefling with horns set ablaze. She keeps the paper and tells Mistral about it. Then moves to tell Kromithrin about it, and finally tries to put it into Briya's pocket without being seen... that doesn't go well.

Elder Fernius continues: "To be clear young lady, the fire plane isn't just everything's on fire. It's the chaotic, purest representation of what fire is. You could be walking on scorched earth while a river of lava flows past you. A physical manifestation of the fact that some things need to be destroyed in order to be made anew. For example, a blight being good for clearing out a crop's plant infection."

Closing in on the heart of the thicket, there's a sudden group-wide gasp among the guests as they notice the first Dyolet tree and its bark, and the beautiful humming, glowing fruit. Briya asks if they've ever seen them before, and of course no; the interest was to see the wonderful resources here. Fernius has letter from Elder Greenleaf, allowing a taste of the fruit from the trees. Instead of plucking them here, though, it will be part of the upcoming feast, and taste even more amazing since they'll be prepared instead of raw. Fernius has brought a selection of extremely expensive wines from the region of Kamorda to accompany the feast.

We make it home and the two elders meet and embrace, having never previously met but act as old friends. Druidic brothers is you will, full of genuine honor, since one rarely gets to travel, and the other never leaves the thicket. Their meeting is "happenstance incarnate" and both are greatful for the exchange and happiness spreads throughout the entire gathering. Tables are prepared and soon after the feast is being served. Elder Greenleaf gives a speech welcoming the Fire Ashari to the tribe. The feast is so great, it also gives the benefits of a long rest.

We're told that sky ships exist. They flew to come here. It really impresses upon us the fact that it's an otherworldly adventure for them all. He thanks the tribe for the meal and the welcome. As a first show of thanks, he offers anyone interested a seance of guided-flame meditation as a way to offer a taste of his culture. Some move to a clearing in order to participate. We stay behind at the table; the younger halfling woman who had dropped the paper is also there. She rolls her eyes at the guided flame announcement, and goes back to eating. Briya returns the poster, and the halfling says she hasn't seen the show that is being advertised, but it's only an hour away! and she really, really wants to go. Finally, she introduces herself as Hiznees Feremia, the niece of Elder Fernius.

We decide to leave home again to go find the circus, and travel out of the forest into the more flat farmland geography nearby. It doesn't take too long to see the circus in the distance. There are tents, outbuildings, facades, all coming into view. Carnival music just barely reaches our ears from as far away as we are.

A goblin with spyglasses watches us approach. He says that it's 8 silver for a ticket to get in. We each receive a cardboard headband with 2 butterfly wings sticking out of the back. Every entry headband is good for six attractions. The wings in the crown are hole-punched for the rides. Finally, he reminds us that tonight at midnight in the big top is Andres the Fire Master. It's in about two hours.

For our first ride, we decide to visit the Mystery Mine. We see people coming out of it with looks of bewilderment, fear, excitement. The ride is managed by a dark-skinned male dwarf dressed like a wizard. (A super campy costume). Just really going over-the-top with the character. We all get our wings hole-punched and start the ride. The large cart holds us all. The further into the cavern we go, the further we notice more realistic (in a Tim-Burton-y sort of way) undulating hills, prismatic skies, twirly trees, following the spiralling and windy rail track.

We each experience our own worst fears, with accompanying wisdom saving throws. Laural fails. Kromithrin saves. Mistral fails. Briya fails. The cart is about to exit, but then we hear a higher pitched scream coming from Feremia (who also failed). He gains adv. on all charisma based ability checks.

Laurl wins a goldfish, but is still afraid. Kromithrin learned a Song of Storms from the Calliope organ. Mistral performs a feat of strength by oil wrestling a goblin. She will never be a failure and will always be a protector of her tribe. Briya goes to the dragonfly ride, and gets to ride around on giant dragonflies that actually fly!

Calliope announces that it's time for the big top event with Andres the Fire Master. Most of the crowd from everywhere starts to congregate at the big top. It's the main 3-pole tent in the middle of the circus. Feremia pulls us by the wrists and guides us there. As we enter, we try and decide where to sit.

The Emcee dangles from the main tightrope and introduces the circus, and the opening acts perform (so many, so awesome), he finally introduces the headlining act: Andres the Fire Master. Wielder of the faefire. Lights dim. And he appears in the center of the main stage. He's an emerald-skinned tiefling wearing big eye shadow... almost full clown-makeup in design. He creates fire and flames and does lots of interesting and cool things with them. Basically, it's like fire bending++. He talks the entire time, narrating his wondrous displays with poetry, using shapes and flames help tell stories. Feremia is going batshit crazy bananas for it... like she's at a boyband concert.

He says there's one final act to show and needs a volunteer from the crowd. Who will it be? The flames take the shapes of insects, bees, butterflies, and dragonflies. As everyone is enthralled from this performance, it seems they swarm most agglomorated around Briya. She immediately appears half-excited and half-worried, but goes down into the main area just the same.

To be continued...