Pediatric gynecologists love bulges

Cass reveals a hidden motive to the group, as Popovsky prepares us for a sneak Basnishment attack. She and her automaton join us as we discover Raokan's hiding place and begin our assault.

Image of a long forgotten stone temple, missing a roof and overgrown with vegetation.
A time-worn temple in the Molaesmyr graveyard.

Session 38

In a brief flashback to before Popovsky's arrival, Cass brings The Librarians together to discuss a possible favor. She needs something small and personal that belongs to Popovsky... anything like a piece of fabric or maybe a lock of hair. In order to try and convince us to provide assistance in this endeavor, we learn that a few years ago, Cass's mistress was effectively assassinated. After looking into it, Cass believes Popovsky was responsible for the murder, though not directly. Since Cass was a familiar for the mistress for nearly 40 years, this is a serious quest for vengeance. However, the reason for needing one of these personal items has not yet been revealed.

We then quickly discuss the status of all the stone keys we have found out about so far. The Empire has 3 that we know of: the stag, hare, and owl. Monica had the wolf, which she gave to Vesryn, who is keeping it safe with the Uthodurn contingent. Agden stole the dove from the old dwarf who escaped with Isabelle and surrendered it to Kra'naelen. We also know there is a total of 9, so at our best count, there are four remaining to be found.

Back in the present, the group is asked to accompany Archmage Popovsky to a private room. As a way to discern if she has a vanity weakness, Cass mentions that she has beautiful skin. She doesn't care about the comment in the slightest. Popovsky asks about our history as a group, what we've done so far, and what we would like to share with her.

Kra'naelen explains the history, about having released the blood demon Raokan from its prison created by Xalicas and his followers. The Shivvers and Isabelle and her pact with the "coven" inside Molaesmyr, and just about everything in between. Popovsky listens silently, unflinchingly, and doesn't ever react. She drinks two different times from a private flask that seems to contain something steaming, and when he's finished, she replies, "That compliments well what Jane had reported."

The archmage doesn't know much about Trush, but has found out more about Roakan. Mostly from legends and lost pages of lore. But basically, he is a dangerous blood fiend on the loose. And, if he grows in power, there could be attacks further west, deeper into Empire territory. We then remind her about the yellow portal and seeing him there last. She wants to get rid of this demon immediately, and that's the entire reason for her arrival. "I decided to come myself to get this done fast and quickly."

She tells us that even though it's never a guarantee, we will attempt to banish the creature. "A permanent banish isn't unheard of, but is very difficult. Jane informed some of you know magic. The Cerberus reserves have given me a golden ring with a huge inlaid ruby, known as a Ruby Weave Gem. It's an item that gives you access to knowledge you wouldn't otherwise know."

Prophet takes the ring.

We receive a temporary health bonus from Prophet's inspiring words. Cass casts fortune's favor on Popovsky and Prophet. While heading out, Popovsky notes that she is interested in Dunamancy. "Oh, Dunamis. Usually we only see those from his kind." (referring to Prohpet as a Drow) "Damn, I thought i had you," he sheepishly replies. "It is fine. I knew we were far from the war and we can wait until we're on opposite sides of the battlefield to show each other enmity."

She casts mage armor on Cass, who then asks her casually about her spell book. It has been left behind, but very well protected in The Candles. (A known nickname for the 8 towers in Rexxentrum – the capital of the Dwendalian Empire)

Finally, we're off to head into the center of Molaesmyr again. Kra'naelen gets gift of alacrity from Cass, and the archmage gives herself mage armor, leaving her staff behind. Her gigantic mechanical automaton joins us, and carries a long blue and white spear she gave it.

We arrive after a short time at the anomaly. "I've been the one who is developing the battle magic program; you may have heard of the Volstruckers. Jane is one." Popovsky isn't quite certain what the anomoly is. But, she admits, seeing it in person confirms that it actually is a puzzle and not just inept underlings.

We find a trail of blood on floor from Raokan, but he seems to have flown off after the last attack on Maltheo. Briya's survival talents finds a trail for us to follow. We follow her further into the city. It leads eventually to a structure that vaguely gives an idea of an ancient cemetery... or at least some sort of burial site. At the end of that area, there's a few small, ruined buildings and what appears to be a small temple that time has rendered roofless. From where we are, we can hear sounds coming from the temple; Possibly even some firelight from within.

As we move up toward the building and catch glimpses inside of Raokan and others: a small creature that looks like some kind of blood-spider-goo. A silvery flame engulfs the little sword on Popovsky.

Combat! (to be continued...)