One shot of adrenaline

In a concurrent one-short story, our group plays students on a treasure hunt. However, it's revealed to be a ploy of Vesh, as their fates are left in the air when their friend betrays them for a Luxon beacon on her behalf.

One shot of adrenaline

Session 67 (one-shot)

We start with a cut scene.

A lively common area in a wooden tavern with a large fire in the center of the space. There are more tables on the second floor's mezzanine. It's a better place for conversations. There's a light snow falling outside, with the city of mostly white stone, blanketed in a light layer. The scene is in Whitestone, nestled in between two walls of stone as if in a canyon or ravine. A single candle lights the face of a man. He is stunningly handsome, sitting at the table alone, wearing no shirt. He entered the bar this way, carrying a heavily-decorated sheathed sword. His skin is pale, very pale, and his hair is an icy shade of silvery blue. His eyes are piercing red with yellow pupils. The opposing chair pulls itself away on its own; he watches the space and says, "Please, there's no need for such deception; I know who you are... and I can see you."

An invisibility spell fades to reveal a large-bellied nobleman, wearing the typical Dwendalian winter fashion: a red hat with a maroon travel cloak and coordinated clothes. He starts laughing. "Oh ho ho my friend; I didn't mean to startle you; so sorry. Did you have time to think about my proposal?"

"I have. I fail to see why my kind would bow to your… conditions."

"There are so few of your kind left. You need the help of people like me; this world is so small for you. What happens when you run out of room and have nowhere to hide? I made this for you in case you change your mind," and a jewelry box opens, emitting a faint glow.

"It is impressive, but unnecessary for me. I don't need your help. I'm safe where I am. Bowing to you would be a shame I could not stand."

The box closes, "Of course; it's your decision. The Conclave has been gone for 20 years and no one has risen to take its place. What happens when some new heroes start hunting you down, and they find your lair? What will you do then?"

A few weeks pass. Now, the story is in the Dragonborn city of Draconia. Deep in the Dremoth Ravine, a rock formation not unlike the grand canyon. It's in the southern part of the Ashkeeper Peaks, which separate the Empire from Xhorhas. The ruins of Draconia. 20 years ago it was the only remaining floating city within Exandria. Stunningly beautiful, and populated mostly by Dragonborn of "good lineage". During the Chroma Conflict (when 5 dragons tried to seize Tal'Dorei) one dragon, Vorugal, The Frigid Doom, caused an uprising that felled the city. High society was demolished. When he was destroyed, the city was "handed over" to the populace at large. The "Drakenblood", those considered to be truer Dragonborn, with tails, were pushed out by the "Ravinites", those with lower stations and no tails, who had risen to power and prominence.

Here, there is always some snow around and falling in the sky. Even with various levels of society it's a 90% Dragonborn population. Even so, there are magic schools, trade schools, and a small thriving community.

The story starts here.

In one of the city squares, purplish swirls of light fade as a teleportation spell completes. An amethyst Dragonborn, Sardiorus, appears. He is vibrant purple, with his extremities fading into a midnight blue and others a bright pink. He's wearing Soltryce Academy robes and has pure amethyst crystals floating in a perfect mohawk above his head, showing his psionic lineage.

Surrounding him are his 5 companions he brought to town.

Kriggith Mountbatten, played by Josh. He's a 4’8” tall 170lbs Mountain Dwarf. He has light green eyes with reddish-black hair and purple highlights. In fact, he's very hairy everywhere. He's a Quandrix student, but really gives off total frat-bro vibes who must have gotten into school on an athletic scholarship.

Marcus Blackbook, played by Sam. A very small young Gnome man. Standing 2'6" with a skinny frame. Sporting a bulky bowl cut for his black hair; bangs hanging over his eyes. He's holding onto a porcelain doll, and wearing a gothic Victorian school uniform. Black shorts and tall socks with skulls. He has pointed ears and a quirky smile on his face. A Lorehold student.

Martinus Blackbook, played by Julien. Revealed to be Marcus's identical twin, but with long hair always in his in face and always looking down. They're wearing very similar outfits. A Witherbloom student.

Voreidir, played by Dominic. She's 84 years old, and being "punished again". An Elf with long hair, brandishing a sword and bow. She's apparently a total brat in her colony and was sent to the Soltryce Academy as punishment. A Silverquill student.

Althane Cullen, played by Ian. He says nothing. Stands there with dark hair, and a school uniform exactly as prescribed; holding 4 books in arms as he steps out of the teleportation circle. You can immediately tell this half-Elf is a nerdy kid who is always in the library and only ever studying. Not social at all and definitely doesn't want to be here off-campus. A Lorehold student.

Sardiorus is a student too, with a bit of a smaller frame for a Dragonborn. He's proudly wearing his uniform, and with a deep inhale, says he's happy to be home.

A few days ago he proposed a project for extra credits. At the time, he told us that he thinks he found something as he piled a bunch of books in different languages in front of us. As he recounts the stories of Varugal taking Draconia, he starts doing a triangulation map, and believes it's the lair of Vorugal. His first lair... the first place he hid treasure in! It's the reason it's still snowing here in the present day. No one's ever found it. He convinces us, saying that at the very least it'll be a guaranteed diploma. If not so much more. He brandishes an amulet from his father, emblazoned with the Bahamut symbol, but reworked to show his family's sigil as well. It's a "Homeward amulet" to take us to Draconia.

Now that we've arrived, on the first night he brings us to his family's estate. It's a nice home, in one of the more affluent noble areas of the city. His family managed to keep their standing by siding with the revolutionaries. They have no governmental power, but were able to keep their stuff. Old money, but modern ideals. We spend a nice night discovering authentic Dragonborn cuisine.

His father more stern, but proud his son is showing initiative. He offers stuff from his personal vault, bringing out 3 glass bottles; A potion of Hill Giant Strength. A potion of Growth, and a potion of Dragon's Breath that he brewed himself.

Morning comes and we head out. We're able to travel in the canyon guided by Sardiorus using his homemade triangulated map.

Krigg's stonecunning ability makes us able to find a place that was "worked" and find some recesses that have been chiseled in for handholds and footholds. It looks like we need to climb high... maybe hundreds of feet. We begin.

Krigg starts having issues carrying the twins. About halfway through the climb, he feels a wash of magic surge through him. He almost loses it, but then that surge happens and he climbs twice as fast and feels amazingly strong.

We notice Draconic runes during the climb; 12 of them repeating along each of the grooves for our hands and feet: Ice, Fire, Frost, Flame, Snow, Heat, Wind, Scales, Claws, Wings, Breath, and Heart.

Althane recalls a phrase he's read before: "Born of frost, forged in flame, the dragon's power lies in the balance."

Krigg senses that it had been enhance ability that was cast on himself, and feels one magic item within 60 feet... something a pinging behind him, floating parallel.

Althane hits a "Fire" rune with frost magic, and changes it to be an "Ice" rune.

Ice, Ice, Frost, Flame, Snow, Heat, Wind, Scales, Claws, Wings, Breath, and Heart.
Ice, Ice, Frost, Ice, Snow, Heat, Wind, Scales, Claws, Wings, Breath, and Heart.
Fire, Fire, Frost, Fire, Snow, Heat, Wind, Scales, Claws, Wings, Breath, and Heart.
Fire, Fire, Ice, Fire, Ice, Ice, Wind, Scales, Claws, Wings, Breath, and Heart.

🥴 (shenanigans)

Eventually we figure out we need to balance the number of Fire and Ice runes.

Now using only the footholds labeled Fire and Ice, we can keep climbing. We were stuck in an illusion before, seemingly climbing forever. Finally, a path and leads into a v-shaped "valley" within the wall itself. As we walk through this, we're in an open area. Dremoth Ravine itself. It's icy and snow is falling. There are piles of debris and... a person there.

At the back of the clearing we see, sitting on a rock carved into a seat, a tall human-looking bare chested man with pale skin, long silvery blue hair and glowing red eyes; a sword at his side. He looks angry and annoyed.

Martinus's nat 20 allows him to look around quickly and discern two things. The combination of fire and ice reveals a species called the Boreals. They are creatures born from Ice & Fire parents. While this happens, Sardiorus feels a threat coming from the other side of the room. He waves both hands and quick flash of light sparks through his head crystals and the group is now linked by telepathic bond. We're all able to hear Martinus's thoughts from above. Sardiorus says, "That dragon has the worst costume I've ever seen."

He looks at us, and laughs. "Funny. Last time I spoke to one of you he asked what I'd do if people were to stumble upon my lair. I answered that anyone who managed to find their way here would deserve my treasure. Deserving as they are I will not grant this victory." as Kalturris "The Frostburn" reveals himself.  

Althane casts fireball but with a warning of "No fire!" from Sardiorus, he changes it to be radiant instead. It hits hard. Krigg rages and moves in as Marcus cassts phantasmal killer, but Kalturris saves. He gives bardic inspiration to Martinus. Voreidir gets advantage and moves closer and casts Radiant Sunbolt while handing out a flurry of blows. Kalturris uses a legendary action and attacks Krigg.

Martinus transforms into a gollum-looking creature (his form of dread) and dashes in. Kalturris responds with a frightful presence. He succeeds on frightening Marcus and Voreidir, then attacks. A bite hits Krigg and 2 claw attacks hit Martinus. Sardiorus distracts him with a Bigby's hand-punch right to the face.

Althane uses this moment to try and polymorph the dragon, but a legendary resistance stops it. Kalturris, using 2 legendary actions triggers his wing attack on a 10 feet range and hits and knocks Krigg prone, who then stands, moves, and misses two attacks. Kalturris retaliates with a tail attack.

Voreidir gives herself heroism and activates patient defense while marcus casts the saddest beguiler, but the dragon saves. She healing words at 3rd level on Krigg, and is still frightened. Martinus casts blight on the dragon but he makes the save. Is forced to reroll, though, and fails... until using another legendary resistance to succeed. He still takes damage and a Fear causes him to use his final legendary resistance.

Kalturris screams into room, "What are you doing Witch King?!" and flies away, causing Krigg and Voreidir get opportunity attacks. Stunning strike doesn't work, and Kalturris angrily vents white hot embers in a cone breath attack. But it's blocked by a transparent wall!

Sard tries Bigby's Hand again, but misses and Althane uses flash recall to prepare Slow and casts it, but the dragon saves.

We start hearing words in Draconic that Sard mentally translates for us. It's vibrating through the walls of this place. "I told you to be prepared for such things and you did not listen." The quick incantation creates a huge boom. Power. A dragon shout. Kalturris is stunned by it and falls prone.

A fat man reveals himself, and drops his disguise to reveal a small lich. Gaunt, with paper skin almost like a skeleton. Holding a dark crystal ball in one hand he says, "You were warned. I'm giving you once chance, Kalturris." In the other hand is the jewelry box we now see containing a crystal skull sculpted in quartz in the shape of a dragon's head. "One chance…" He's wearing huge arcane robes where all along the shoulders are tiny little eyes.

Krigg attacks the lich, but finds it's immune to regular weapons. Marcus tries dissonant whispers, but but lich saves. He gives bardic inspiration to Voreidir, who attacks and casts burning hands but again, the lich saves.

The litch uses a legendary action "Disrupt Life", causing a wave of necrotic energy to pulse out. The dragon and Voreidir take damage; Martinus violently pukes life transference into the dragon's mouth and heals him for 54 and then casts forms of dread again.

Kalturrus is stunned, and using this, the group makes a persuasion check. "Accept our help or die!" against the lich's intimidation, who fails. The dragon will not give in to the lich at least.

Sardiorus gets a message in his mind, which we all hear: "Leave them my child; you do not need this victory. You know what your real goal is." He has one eye completely red and bleeding. A quick motion from Bigby's Hand and he pushes aside the rubble covering the pile of treasure, and a Luxon beacon is revealed. He runs and grabs it.

The lich shoots a green ray at Martinus who fails the DEX save, but casts Tomb of Levistus on himself lives. Krigg knocks the lich prone but gets stunned in return. Marcus is no longer frightened and and casts spirit guardians, and then rolls for Tales from the Beyond. The litch uses a legendary action ray of frost with disadvantage at Voreidir, but still hits. Voreidir fights back, getting two crits and kicks some ass but still misses stunning strike.

Martinus is still in his Tomb of Levistus as Kalturris stands and cinder breaths the whole area. Martinus goes down, and Krigg is barely holding onto life.

Sardiorus says, "Apologies kids; I've got my orders," and he teleports out, leaving his classmates to an uncertain fate...