Oh Lord, a Goliath Into Breath Play

Mary's upset about losing. Maltheo discovers Leslie's necromancy. Cass buys drugs. Maltheo finds an ally in Vandleth. Paul flirts dangerously with Yahnist. Maltheo meets someone from Augen Trust in the Maze of Debauchery. Prophet exits the maze first and Maltheo is summoned by the priestess.

Oh Lord, a Goliath Into Breath Play
A fantasy maze leading toward a temple

Session 50

Prophet collects his winnings from the contest bets, and we notice that Mary Pelinost's confidence has diminished a bit. She's talking in a bit of a sore loser vibe to a soldier from the Righteous Brand, someone who is most likely her squire. Peter and Paul have disappeared, and the Stranger seems to have stepped away after losing. After his purse has been filled, Prophet casts telepathic bond on the group.

Briya's Detect Magic has lots of pings and triggers: Other people have some magic items in the crowd. Mary is wearing some sort of magic pendant under her armor. Briya is able to see in the distance, Leslie, the other archer. She's out of range of the spell, and walking away quickly. Peter is also seen walking toward Leslie with nothing but fuckboy energy.

Yahnist goes to speak with Mary, and Cass joins him. Yahnist says he's the best ranger and so Mary shouldn't be disappointed in losing. He then asks her what's there to do here as he wipes away her tears. Mary is amenable and says she'll skip trivia night, but will also will try the debauchery maze. She says the higher-ups will be going to the maze; the rest of the soldiers are not allowed to do it because they'll be on duty. "I was trying to give the Dwendalian Empire army a good name but you ruined that for me." She makes an excuse to leave and goes away with her squire.

Prophet learns a song from some of the local minstrels and Maltheo tries to take note of who is playing the song. A male half-orc (small for his history) carrying a lute. Plain clothes but with an ornate bowtie. The song is called "Onward the Dragons Come".

Kra'naelen, Maltheo, and Briya get close enough to sense that Peter and Leslie are giving off necromancy magic. Further insight shows it's from Leslie. Peter has some sort of enchanted armor. She seems uninterested in anything Peter has to say, so Maltheo inserts himself into the conversation and "rescues" Leslie. They talk about prowess in the archery contest. Briya joins; shakes hands with Leslie. Feels cold hand but not really any different.

Briya and Peter have a conversation while the other two continue talking. Really , it's a distraction method so that Maltheo can converse with Leslie privately. He makes a truth bomb about necromancy. Leslie asks Maltheo to come away to a corner, which Kra'naelen notices unseen and follows silently behind.

Meanwhile, Yahnist is enjoying his status as competition winner. He's gloating a bit, and definitely not paying for any of his drinks. But he's also on the lookout for whatever may have made his crossbow glow. Cass is on the hunt for drugs, but can't seem to find any until Yahnist gets offered some from the drummer who is hanging out with the half-org minstrel. It's pearl dust known as Nodrä; a bit of a downer that feels like mushrooms. Time feels like it takes hours and hours, but it's only been a few. Cass buys 10 × 1g servings.

Maltheo follows Leslie to a concealed area on the side. He sees her unbutton from the side her shirt, revealing that her entire torso seems to have been burned off with necrotic energy. She explains that she had been traveling with a hunting party and came across a vampire that bit straight into her side and that she thinks she died. Luckily, there was a holy person in the party to revive her, but it never really healed all the way. Maltheo insightfully knows she's telling the truth. It's exactly like the prisoner we saw before in Pelinost's camp. Someone who was brought back to life but keeps the death they encountered with them. Maltheo mentions that he died before, and came back. But without this necromantic side effect. She replies, "Oh, is that why you're here? The blessing?" Maltheo is surprised to find out the blessing from the holiday is real, and not just symbolic. Leslie describes the holy person who can do it.

She's hoping for the blessing and Maltheo says if he gets their attention he'll pass on the blessing to her since he doesn't need it and that we're in town for a few more days.

Back at the inn, some of the group is talking about Nodrä. Prophet is intrigued by the blessing being offered by the local cleric. He says he wants to be blessed by the gods, too. "Oh, I've said too much," he continues. Then Maltheo mentions the Luxon to him and in mere seconds half the room is in an uproar and weapons are being drawn. But Cass Gift of Gabs the situation in a quick reset. Prophet elaborates on his statement to say that he can speak with the gods, but it doesn't mean they speak back. He seems to be being vulnerable and truthful.

Maltheo: "Barnabum, most people... the gods don't talk to them. It's not special; it's fine."

Prophet: "But people need me to speak with the gods." Mallory the waitress removes a fuzzball from Prophet's beard. "My followers, they ask for guidance."

Maltheo: "So you lie to them?"

"It's a word we know well so we'll use it. Love from one liar to another," says Mallory, quoting some broadway show; we tell her to fuck off and Maltheo gives her a gold. Yahnist points out that the halfling trivia guy is here and trivia night is starting. The prize for tonight is a bag of 40 Dwendalian-minted gold coins.

Kra'naelen wins the contest, and finds the pouch also contains a nice chain necklace, made of a light white-gold metal. It has a bit of an iridescence to it, sort of like mother of pearl. It's a Steamforged chain, all the way from the Menagerie Coast, most likely near Port Zoon. Probably from the town of Gwarden. It's a special metal that elves living above steam geysers are able to make there. It's very high value, and can also be enchanted very easily. It's worth around 200 gold.

Vandleth is here drinking a sherry and she tied second place with Briya. Maltheo approaches her and is humming "Zan's Coming Back". Maltheo asks for news from the empire as it's been a while. She says it always gets interesting this time of year. "I think those three birds that landed recently are a bit annoying," obviously referring to the Pelinosts. It's been different recently I'll say. I think most of the tensions will arise tomorrow. If you're planning on staying, some "muscle" might be needed." Maltheo lets her know that we had been considering robbing her shop, but won't bother with that now. She replies that a stranger who smiles always get a smile back. Maltheo leaves her with, "Maybe I'll see you in the maze," and winks. She giggles and blushes and says that's for the young ones.

"Have you heard of Helda Griffingrow?" Maltheo receives a message in his mind that says, "I've never met her personally but I hear good things. As far as I know she's still at the capital doing good work. I'm sure she would welcome the help."

Maltheo Message-replies: "Thank you, we will help."

She casts a spell. Cass notices from across the room a whoosh of specific magic: Fortune's Favor, "In case you need it."

Yahnist is invited to join Paul's table with other soldiers. He's unsure what is happening, but has a decent insight to realize that maybe Paul is horny for him. Paul makes a soldier stand up to give a seat and opens a bottle that's obviously very expensive. He pours just a few fingers of the very fancy spirit called Kamornac into Yahnist's glass, saying that it's the first time someone took his sister down a peg. They then continue to exchange flirtations.

Yahnist: "I'm from the north."

Paul: "What brings you down here?"

Yahnist: "I'm with a group of adventurers helping those in need. Do you need help?"

Paul: "I do need help."

Yahnist: "OK, how much you got?" Paul pours another glass that Yahnist slams. "I wasn't talking about money."

Paul: "Let's just say my crossbow would be heavy as well."

All the candles in the room switch from normal light to some pinks and neon blues and other colors. The inn starts to empty out after a priest of the Law Bearer at the door announces the maze is opening in 5 minutes. Some of Paul's soldiers get ready to go patrol the town. In that moment Paul leans in and says, "How about we just skip the maze and have a debauchery of our own?"

They go upstairs. Cass keeps an eye out.

The rest go to the maze. It's been set up by Vandleth and truly is only navigable like a maze, when seen from above. There are 3 entrances to choose from. Left, center, right. We know from where we're entering, we'll have to go gradually right to get to the temple.

  • Kra'naelen skips a gold temptation.
  • Briya follows Kra'naelen.
  • Maltheo drinks a wine glass at a statue of a devil that lets him through and sees K and B.
  • Prophet meets up with Kra'naelen and passes him. A villager wearing a serpent costume of Zahir the Cloaked Serpent. "I'm going to catch you!" A nat 20 dex save helps him avoid it.
  • Kra'naelen follows Prophet; the serpent goes for him instead for the tickles.
  • Briya follows them.
  • Maltheo stunning-strikes the civilian, while his tail dagger gives him whispered murder suggestions.
  • Prophet goes left through an arch and eventually reaches a dead-end.
  • Kra'naelen finds an opening at the end of a corridor.
  • Briya zig zags and ends at a wall of vines held together by one statue of a sad woman... a halfling woman with a shawl, probably from the other fountain. She pets the statue's arm and says it'll be OK.

Back at the inn, Cass gives Popovsky another nightmare, including gay sex sounds. Paul undresses and as he does, reveals eyes glowing like red embers and horns, and as two bat-wings expand. Yahnist tries to make a wisdom saving throw, but fails. End ends up Charmed by the disguised incubus. He's just so attractive and magnetic and Yahnist feels he needs to obey their every command. As he looks around the room, he sees the body of a very handsome blonde man under the bed. It must be the real Paul Pelinost!

Back at the maze, Maltheo ends up finding a crying child in the maze who says, "Sorry I'm lost! I wanted to win the blessing." M offers a handkerchief. The boy says his name is Kenneth.

Prophet follows Maltheo and says "Oh! You found a child... Well... you got that, right?" and continues on to an archway with a statue of an owl with a silver crown. He goes to the figure and asks for a blessing on finding the exit. There's a whoosh of wings and Prophet disappears to then find himself at a bend in the maze.

Kra'naelen ends on a space with another statue lit by all candles. It seems to be the brother of the Law Bearer, holding a scale with only one wine glass. Kra'naelen puts another glass to balance the scales, and one of the lines opens and he sees Prophet.

Briya is still at statue with vines and tries to produce flames to burn them. It works and they open to also reveal Prophet.

Maltheo moves forward and sees the silver-crowned owl, but then feels a tap on his shoulder. Someone is standing there in black leather armor ending in red cowl. "You were hard to find," they say, with signs of being from the Augen Trust. "There's a lot to talk about but we didn't know where you were. Roberta is pissed. Are you still close to this... Prophet? Meet me behind your inn at dawn. Roberta won't be there."

The owl bends forward, and Maltheo and Kenneth are returned to the entrance of the maze. "See? I told you you would be fine. But you must keep what you saw in the maze a secret."

Prophet approaches the face of Lady Kamordah on a door. As he gets closer the sculpture animates and asks, "Why do you want to leave this labyrinth?" and he replies, "I seek to be blessed by the gods; it's been my lifelong passion and others depend on it for me." The head bends forward and a gate opens to reveal the temple is there. Prophet is now the first to exit the maze.

Kra'naelen's answer to the Lady: "My quest isn't complete and I've involved other people in it now. It's important to my people and I believe a blessing could help me complete it."

Briya's answer: "Um, I'm kind of done. Is it done?"

Once exited, each person is greeted by the high priestess of the temple. She's a middle-aged human with short hair and gives each person a little treat, like a communion wafer.

Maltheo feels another tap on his shoulder and sees a brother of the Law Bearer; a pageboy who says, "Mister, the priestess would like to speak with you."

To be continued...