Life is chaos, Briya

Maltheo reveals more of his spycraft assassin nature, and the group gets a name that may be able to resurrect Kra'naelen. On the way, they are attacked by a group of trained mercenary birds.

Blood hawks can be deadly
Blood hawks can be deadly

Session 13

Briya and Maltheo unmask their prisoner of war, slapping her face in order to wake her up, or at least try. Briya heals her a bit, and then Charms Person. They speak Elvish at first, and then Common. “Are you with the Kryn?” and Maltheo’s disguise as a Kryn officer. As Kryn: “Who sent you? How did you know? Why did you attack the night spell?”

It's found out that there’s an Empire mole (rat. heh.) in the Kryn casters camp; a warlock. Also, Ogeo and this prisoner were supposed to go get the night pearl. A Dwarf named Isabelle, a blood mage, (which is a very rare art), is the one giving money to these two? Someone has teleportation boots that can go to a “domain in the woods” which is where the prisoner was supposed to meet up. A location is pinpointed on a map and Maltheo tail-slices both of them dead.

The party is reunited and each has a short rest. A dead Kra’naelen lies on the ground.

Prophet lays down the guilt trip on Briya for not being here when we needed her. Maltheo has a quiet moment of apology; to Kra'naelen and the group. Prophet also then relays his true role as a reincarnated Kryn spirit, the plan about the dodeca-beacon, and Kra'naelen's death. Steppin waves hello, in a bit of quiet sheepishness.

The party debates on various types of resurrection; whether to bury the body; where to bring the “rotting corpse” as per Prophet. In the meantime, Tisiphone contacts Prophet and says not to follow, and to find someone named “The Sunbreaker” for further assistance. They decide to put Kra'naelen into the Bag of Holding, for ease-of-transportation purposes. Asarius, the city of beasts, is where The Sunbreaker is supposed to be located. Nothing of import happens, and the group has a camp for the night.

The next day, Briya notices two beautiful red-feathered hawks (blood hawks) in the air that land between trees a few hundred feet away from the group. Blood hawks are also a symbol of a group of nomadic marauders that breed the birds. They attack.

Nothing else happens on the way to Asurius (the City of Beasts) which is a city mostly inhabited by beast-race people.