It's a Grindr corpse

The party learns of the Fire Ashari under Mount Mentiri and plans to seek help in Vol'antim. Maltheo gets a communication scroll from Augen Trust. Yahnist steals a dragon-shaped mug. Leslie considers Rexxentrum, and they prepare to find the Ashari with Vandleth's aid.

It's a Grindr corpse
A very special beer stein

Session 52

Briya has a walk outside of Kamordah before the evening ends, and casts Commune with Nature to look for the Fire Ashari, but doesn't sense anything that we're looking for. However, coming from the ground all around, there's a bit of an elemental influence... something similar to the fire/earth elemental planes. Briya then goes and finds a little area of trees and prays to the Wildmother.

It's the next morning at the Dancing Horse inn; The 13th of Dwahalai – the official first day of spring. Cass has mage armor now, and gives Kra'naelen, Maltheo, and Yahnist the Gift of Alacrity. Most of the locals have skipped breakfast as they're either hungover at home or going to mass for the morning.

Maltheo got up a bit early, fetched breakfast for Leslie, and goes outside behind the inn to wait for someone from the Augen Trust. They arrive; no greetings and straight to business. She says, "Roberta was following your travels from up close until we lost track of you for a moment. A complete surprise that I found you in this town. It's good to have you back on track. How goes with Prophet?"

Maltheo says that Prophet says they are friends; he seems to trust more. "Good, that'll help later. You've been to Rosohna yes?" Maltho talks about it and what he's learned about the Kryn. She wants to know if Maltheo has anything he wants to share about the way they extend life. He asks about who she reports to: Roberta or otherwise, and shares they say they're able to reincarnate themselves. To bypass the gods and return to the mortal plane indefinitely.

She says that Maltheo can report to her for now. "Reincarnation? That coincides with what we've heard so far. Very good. Do you think you'd have pull with the Kryn if you go back to them with Prophet?" Oh yes, they want him badly. He's an icon to them. Almost like the Queen. An image they use as a prop for their religious beliefs. I also think that if we wanted, we could probably sway Prophet to our cause, maybe... He seems to be having a bit of a crisis of faith. "Stay with him now and we'll consider what to do after. I think you deserve this." She hands Maltheo a tiny scroll case. "In case you disappear again, this is how we'll communicate. If we get separated you'll know how to use it." He looks up from putting the case away and she's already disappeared.

Kra'naelen and Briya visit Vandleth one more time, and she mentions an Assembly-sanctioned enchanter named Pumat Sol in Zadash, probably the closest to here, who is skilled at working with steamforged chain. We could look up his store: the Invulnerable Vagrant.

We ask about last night. As rare as it is, one single fiend is surprising, but not unheard of either. Some have mischievous plans; some think of doing evil. But, there's no reason to think the high priestess was targeted directly. Probably just a creature going for the good-est person around to play with them.

Yahnist walks around town a bit hungover, and seems to not be the only one. But most of those are walking toward the temple for morning mass. None of the soldiers do though. They all seem to be super angry. One of their own died while they were on watch.

He shares with Cass his feelings of being afraid and disliking very much having been charmed by the incubus. They go to the temple and see a mass that was very quiet and sombre. Normally festivities would continue for the day, but the deaths and demon sort of put a damper on things. The Pelinosts were not in attendance.

The group convenes to discuss with the high priestess and her acolytes. She's in full regalia for spring mass. Is now a good time for this magic? "As my connection with the Law Bearer has increased, I have gained insight and visions and the power to help people with requests such as yours." She prays on her staff and from inside the temple we feel wind rise from nowhere. A whoosh of great magic. When her eyes open they're glowing in a faint silver light. Her mouth opens and multiple voices come out.

Looking into the distance: "The Fire Ashari are still here and are still close. They found residence within Mount Mentiri. Under it, there's an old ritual site connected to the ancient titans and elemental planes. They've made it their home and are there still. The entrance to this ritual site is hard to find. It's on one of the neighboring hills and guarded by Gorefeather Clan. Finding this clan will be hard, but there may be people to help in the nearby town of Vol'antim.

Kra'naelen asks why they're here permanently when they had previously only been visiting? The High Priestess believes perhaps it is because it was one of the battle sites of the schism during the Calamity. Briya has heard of Gorefeather before. Not something close to her home, but Cyrious Mountains separate the two regions. She remembers being warned that they are to be avoided; a clan of very powerful and organized harpies.

Yahnist, getting bored at all the talking, knows that Kra'naelen is still searching for an expensive object with a dragon symbol. In town, he finds the one brewery that brews beer, not wine. Inside is a Dwarf with hipster look and big moustache. There's an immense vat and above it he sees they've won an award, called the Golden Mug. It's in the shape of a dragon's head. A quick plan is hatched with Cass who casts Stasis on the Dwarf as he is blinking. They steal the mug and leave the shop quickly. With a Nat 20 (for a total of 43 stealth) they're able to hide among 3 prostitutes and disappear, getting away with it.

Maltheo informs Leslie that we're leaving to find the Ashari; and if she's looking for a purpose in life or needs help and meaning, she should do what you she wants to do. "Decide for yourself. Look for friends with a golden smile, in Rexxentrum. Maybe not what you're looking for, but something interesting." She says she's never seen the city and is heavily considering it.

The group goes to say goodbye to Vandleth, telling her that we're all leaving because we have to go deal with harpies. Maltheo tries to convince her to let us borrow the magic pokeball. "I believe we'll be able to help each other out, and I think that time is coming soon. How about you owe me one?" And she hands it over. Maltheo agrees in total. "Remember the songs. Use them in Rexxentrum."

"I will."

Briya asks Vandleth about keeping an eye out for items that might make someone stronger when they're an animal. And, just in case, could they please hoard some diamonds if any come her way.

"If you find harpy feathers, you can bring them to me; they're very useful."