It sounds like a gay dinosaur

Kit leads the group to the Resistance, led by Uhuris. We learn Raokan, with the help of Truush, has usurped the Queen of Luck and Ruin. It's time to learn more about an upcoming race that could be the key to his downfall.

It sounds like a gay dinosaur

Session 73

The Librarians, Monica, and the prisoner are all following the stranger, named Kit, through the woods. It's mostly quiet between us all. Maltheo wants to know if Cass has any additional information on the Queen of Luck and Ruin. "Worst employer I've had in a very long time." Very chaotic. Thinking about history, Cass also remembers that the Queen of Luck and Ruin is the Unseelie Queen of this entire area. As far as Cass knows, she's always been this. Luck isn't good or evil, but if you fight against it, it can lead to ruin. And this can make running a kingdom tricky.

She's the one who cursed Cass with the anti-return necklace. But maybe enough time has passed here, vs. the material plane, that she'll have forgotten. Maltheo wonders if she also might have the power to undo a deal with a devil.

Briya goes full-question mode: Are they attracted to milk? Don't like iron? Feed them after midnight? And a bunch of other annoying questions toward Cass, but one important one: does time pass differently here? And that's a resounding "Yes, we could go back moments or years before or after we left." Maltheo thinks we should make sure to ask about that when we meet her.

Cass explains why she's wearing the collar in the first place. She was a team manager back in the day, and got bored quite a lot. So sometimes she would abuse her position in order to take advantage of things where the "currency" for them was luck. At least, Cass says that's how the Queen of Luck and Ruin sees it. Cass spent 45 years here in this realm, and 45 more in the material.

It's been a few hours now of casual conversation as Kit continues to lead us. We can tell that the influence of the devils has spread farther than we'd anticipated, including the dryness and the smell. Finally into a dense, dark thicket we arrive, and Kit says it's a place their bikes can't really reach. Æsheryn hears him chant small incantations each time we pass through many layers of protections. Now we appear in the center of something the size of a large mansion, or an inn; ruins of a stone building. An L-shape remains of the walls, and it's entirely reminiscent of Molaesmyr. Stonework, embellishments, details, and design. There are a few dozen people here, including some warriors sharing the look of Kit's garb. There is a tent set up as a bit of a center of operations. And there's a small group of quicklings playing a game of dice.

Kit points out "The Bear King", someone sitting on a stone chair. 7 feet tall, muscular, very hairy, giant jaw and beard, with some fey qualities like sharp eyes and somewhat pointed ears. Has a very laid back feeling of ready-to-strike violence. A belt of hunting tools (like a carving knife and rope) but no actual weapons. On his head, in place of a crown, he's wearing the skin of a bear.

Lotus immediately says hello and that he's trying new things and wants to make new friends. He introduces himself and and the rest of the party. Uhuris (Sylvan for Bear) replies in kind. He and Cass speak of the Resistance, and that he doesn't follow the Queen as she's no longer on her throne. He does think she's still at the castle, since they're probably keeping her there. But that implies someone strong enough to imprison the Queen of Luck and Ruin?!

He shifts his weight, and we're very aware of his power. Æsheryn is surprised to learn there have been no attempts to save her yet, but they're preparing one now. With our arrival, it may become easier. It's been only a few weeks so far; they showed up and claimed the land with Castle Twistspire being most affected.

Cass asks if he knows anything about the portal. Uhuris says it's in Twistspire, and has always been there as far as he knows. Points to a Fey-Elf with curly blond hair and long pointed ears and says he'd know more about it. "Before the time of the Queen of Luck and Ruin, during the reign of the King of Fate and Flow (from the Seelie side of the court), the gate was open. The Feywild was able to freely go between here and Molaesmyr, which was considered an outpost." Briya says the material plane-side has been messed up.

The blond elf elaborates: When the Queen deposed the King, and took over Castle Twistpire, the King's guardians (the 9 animal spirits) left here and went to protect it from the other side. We ask if they've seen Fox. Uhuris leans forward and asks, "You mean the Guardians came in with you?!" Æsheryn explains what had happened. Re: the others and just Fox.

Some woman named Cher in a metal bikini tries to explain what may have happened. Maybe the spirits were pulled in with us.

Popovsky's voice, suddenly behind us says, "Yep! That's what happened."

She settles in, and then explains her separation from us, having been exploring for a while. She was able to find a bit more information: It certainly seems like the opening in Molaesmyr was trapped. By pulling the spirits in, it seems they've made it so it can't be closed. She produces a beaten-nearly-to-death mini devil, and makes it admit to us what she heard earlier. (Torturing it the entire time)

"Yes. Yes! The minute Raokan came, he told us how. Traps on the keys. Traps on the keys everywhere!" (Lotus is nearly certain it's telling us the truth)

Maltheo immediately puts together the fact that devils aren't normally in the Feyrealm; they must actually be making a play on the material plane by using the Feyrealm as a jump-point. Sunny says he's a historian and has been one in both courts. The portal during the last long while has mostly been… defective. Not sure where the devils came from, but from what he knows, the Queen had an advisor. Rumors. Maybe it's the one who let them in. Cass can't quite remember who that would have been, she having been too low-level at the time to have been socially aware of this person. But maybe a tall, goat-man style head on a human body. (Feet/hands, but goat head)

A history check from the "original" Librarians jogs Briya's memory, and she says out loud, "Remember that one goat we saw? With Bolbarra's people? During the time we were traveling through the swamp... We found a shrine she'd go to sometimes to pray; her warlock patron was the form of a goat man. His name was Truush!"

Uhuris continues: Ever since Raokan arrived, he's been using this realm for his machines. A racetrack playground. It seems to be what devils enjoy the most. He has organized a first actual race, in his name here, as a way to celebrate himself as the new King.

Perhaps there's a way we could trick him into giving up the crown if we're able to make him lose the race. What we know so far is there will be a party the day before the race. Those aware, can sign up at the party; scope out the competition. We show off the two motorcycles we recovered, and Uhuris mentions a vehicle they have. A larger, 2-person vehicle that is slower but more armored and has a harpoon.

We debate winning the race, or just using it as a distraction. Regardless of the decision, we still have to go to the cocktail party the day before. Raokan is for sure entering himself in the race; pretty much anyone coming will be after the crown. However, both gates, the Queen, and the crown are most likely all going to be under Truush's watch in the castle while Raokan will be in the race.

Castle: Maltheo, Briya, Yahnist, Æsheryn
Race: Lotus, Cass, Monica, Popovsky

We'll have a full day before the cocktail party, too. It's time for some reconnaissance and possible sabotage. Maybe we can get a lead on Mint. And more info about the race.

Briya flies for a few hours this night to search for possible new creatures to turn into, from the feyrealm. She's able to find a manticore. And for the first time ever, Lotus does bedtime magic for everyone.

Cass tries to contact Astoria, her mistress, using Contact Other Plane. Looking into limitless realms of possibilities to try and find her, she lands on one. An image not quite what she's used to: An austere Archmage in her tower, powerful, with resources and influence. But this version seems just as intelligent and present, but in a basement lab by herself, tired, with unkempt hair and a straggled appearance. Cass intuits that this is the Astoria that didn't become an Archmage.

Q: Do you hate E. Uludan?
A: Yes

Q: Do you have a Cass?
A: What's a Cass?

Q: Would you be willing to leave your world?
A: Yes

Q: Are you powerful?
A: Yes

Q: Get rest, I'm coming soon.
A: Produces a long, metal wand, like a fire poker. Aesthetically a wand meant for battle. Ready.