I'm coming, my love

The group mourns Mint after welcoming a new cat, and decides to make their way via a conjured cart back to Rosohna in search of a teleport to Urzin to hunt down Trush & Raokan.

A Terror Bird eats a horse for a meal
A Terror Bird eats a horse for a meal

Session 24

Still standing in a zone of fire and destruction, Maltheo falls to his knees distraught at the loss of Mint. He bellows an empty, mirthless laugh and says "Of course something like this would happen. It's chaos; maybe she was right." Almost in response, a small cat shows up. Introductions are made, and Cassiopeia "Cass" floats along and over to comfort the silently-brooding Maltheo. Prophpet gave inspiring eulogy for Mint, saying among other things, "She was the best of us, aside from me." We have a discussion about what should happen next. Our options are to travel north to visit the giant tree with Briya, or go back to near Urzin where we know Trush had been, to try and capture Roakan inhabiting Mint, or at least prevent the demon from causing more havoc.

We decide the best course of action is to make our way back to Rosohna to have teleport options. The group has a short rest in Prophet's conjured animated cart while he Identifies the following magic items dropped by the skeletons in the cave:

Item Description Effect(s)
Fife of Dragonsong (rare) Magical blowgun and instrument +1 to attack and damage rolls; 1d6 thunder damage on hit.
Dragonsong - Spend BI to play 100ft audible note
Enemy - 15ft cone DC 15 CON save = 2d6 thunder + 10ft push Half damage on success and no push
Ally - same cone = 2d6 temp HP 10 min + 10ft speed increase
Signet Ring of the Fey Court (very rare) Wooden ring with miniature autumn landscape Know the druidcraft cantrip while wearing.
Autumn's Resistance: Contains 2 charges; regains all after a long rest.
Reaction to spend 1 charge when you take necrotic damage to gain resistance until start of next turn.
Once a ring has no remaining charges, the small landscape adorning the top of it withers until it regains its charges.
Mirrorlight Harbinger (wondrous, uncommon) Staff with fist-sized mirrorlight crystal at its end Use an action to emit bright light for 1 hour in a 20 ft radius; dim for 20 more.
Action to end early. 10 charges; regains 1d6 + 4 daily at dawn.
If last charge spent, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff shatters like glass and is destroyed.
Use an action to cast either color spray (2 charges) or silent image (1 charge), using your spell save DC.
Illusory Attacker - Use an action to expend 1 charge Create an illusory duplicate
in unoccupied space that you can see within 60 ft.
It immediately makes two melee spell attacks, using your spell attack bonus.
1d8+spell mod force damage. The duplicate then vanishes.
Cape of the Mountebank (wondrous, rare) Cape that smells faintly of Brimstone Action to cast the Dimension Door spell.
This property of the cape can't be used again until the next dawn.
When you disappear, you leave behind a cloud of smoke, and you appear in a similar cloud of smoke at your destination.
The smoke lightly obscures the space you left and the space you appear in, and it dissipates at the end of your next turn.
A light or stronger wind disperses the smoke.

Prophet himself doesn't get a short rest though, because: Terrorbirds attack the group!

There are three large ones initially; fairly strong and they also have a turn-delay damage ability. During combat, we see Briya turn into a Giant Elk... an enormously large one! One bird is killed, and another gravely wounded when a hobgoblin shows up and says to stop attacking the Sacred Birds of the Deathsworn.