If you hear voices, ignore them. I just did

The Librarians spend some downtime becoming more familiar with the city of Uthodurn and their new companion Æsheryn. They go shopping, and take care of a lot of personal business.

If you hear voices, ignore them. I just did

Session 63

Overview of Uthodurn as a city and a place.

We recount Prophet's eulogy for Kra'naelen:

We find ourselves again mourning the loss of Kra’naelen Erenaeth. When we first teamed together, tension between Naelen and I was high. (I know. It may be surprising since we hid it well). Often our words to each other cut deeper than the swords of our enemies.

Back then, I envied you. I saw a carefree and confident soul, not bound by expectations or pressures forced upon you by a meaningless war. Instead of trying to understand you, I mocked you and for that, I apologize.

Since then, we’ve ALL shared laughter, pain, and fought enemies with greater vigor than we fought each other. I saw the charming and powerful person you were (albeit of course not as charming as … oh sorry).

Coming from a culture of reincarnation, I took the precious gift of life for granted. And seeing as you’ve come back twice before, I thought you invincible. That you’d come back again. I’ve never felt more pained to be wrong.

Kra’naelen Erenaeth. The first time we held a ceremony for your death, I thought I was mourning no more than a “rotting corpse.” Now, I know what we’re truly mourning; a beloved friend.

Then we recount what each of our heroes are up to during their rest and downtime in the city. First, Prophet. He buys the Hat of Disguise. It hides his horns well as a hat, but they are not hidden when he's actually disguised. It's an ornate but not too flashy circlet. He also buys the Ring of Mind Shielding and the Fyre Shredder battle axe. Æsheryn and Prophet have a conversation about how religion doesn't have to only work one way.

Next, Yahnist. He carouses around with younger citizens; teen dwarves that want to fight with him and learn from him. He makes some acquaintances but doesn't seem to have a strong connection to any of them. A 19 year old elven kid tells him of a private weapon master tutor. An older dwarven man with scars, a trimmed beard and shaved head named Ipach. He spends some time observing Yahnist as an assessment of his training. In return, Yahnist asks for more training with the short sword and they make a deal. After many hard days of training, he learns the Vex mastery for the short sword.

If you hit a creature with this weapon and deal damage to the creature, you have Advantage on your next attack roll against that creature before the end of your next turn.

Æsheryn buys a Cloak of Protection. And begins asking around for diamonds, starting with his contacts in the mining industry there. Eventually he's able to purhcase 4 diamonds, 2 each of 300 gold value and 2 of 500 gold. Plus some diamond dust. He also starts the process of setting up a meeting with the Librarians and the Diarchy.

Cass ventures out into the surrounding woods. Using Echo to trace a magic circle while Cass is performing an incantation, she wields a dagger with gems that Maltheo made her. She stabs her hand and places it in the middle of the circle which it fills. The blood forms in the air and coalesces into a black cat with green eyes: a second familiar but better — a Homunculus. Cass also spends time caring for the stolen Harpy egg.

Maltheo wants to learn all he can from Sim and Gar, the rescued tieflings. He learns they are not cultists; they're friends but not related, from very low-class rungs of society. Both are from Rexxentrum. Sometimes they had been involved in light criminal activity, and mercenary work too. They were captured by the mind flayers having been hired for a job outside the city at an estate. But it was all a setup. They're not sure which estate, but they know it had something to do with the Emerald Death Brotherhood, probably a middle-man arranging syndicate who are known to frequent the Slow Goat tavern. Gar hints at having connections with the Golden Grin (who/what is this??) Maltheo helps them arrange travel back to Rexxentrum.

He then buys the Gloves of Thievery, and wants to change the enchantment on his bracers from Prince into becoming Bracers of Defense. He also buys the Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location. Then he spends time finding two people that, if he chooses to, would be easy to kill. Dark, seedy criminals who wouldn't pose a threat. Lysander, a halfling male with a glint in his green eyes. The other is a smuggler of drug supplies; a female human named Isolde who is tall, with elegant long black hair.

After one of the murders, Roberta appears behind Maltheo.

Roberta: You've been busy...
Maltheo: I have yes.
R: How are things going?
M: Good. Ripe with opportunity. It's good that we bumped into each other. I'm about to make a play on Prophet.
R: Make a play? What do you mean?
M: I get the feeling his relationship with the dynasty is becoming more and more frayed. This would be an opportune time to turn him to our side.
R: Has he done anything to anger the dynasty?
M: I think they're not keen that he's been away this long. And that they probably want to use him. But he's just galavanting around. The more I hang out with and get to know him, the more he seems to have been sheltered his entire life.
R: There've been whispers that he's changed. Do you know anything about that?
M: How do you know that?
R: We have connections. You don't think you're alone do you? Some whispers say he has been making deals with others and may be succeeding in the amnesis process connecting with his past lives.

She wants to know what changes, what new powers. Maltheo says he seems to be becoming more and more connected to deities beyond his religion. One seems to be linked to (though he suspects both are lower affiliations) the Julous Dominion. Possibly also the Shivver, and the other? Asmodeus. Not confirmed.

Roberta thanks him for the information and says the fact that the dynasty is losing grip on him is disconcerting. His connections to other sources of power is interesting. Matheo says he's looking for power so anyone offering it seems to be fair game. Maybe a good in-road to coerce him to our side?

Briya is wearing the vestige armor of a dead man and wants to go back to see Vorra in Vol'antim. She buys a druidic charm figurine carved owlbear set of 10 for Monstrosities. She travels with Maltheo to Vol'antim and seeks out The Horizon to speak to them about the armor. When there, she deactivates it and hides it under clothing before approaching them. They are greeted as respected friends, versus the first meeting which was very coldly professional. Kleggag informed them of what happened in Mentiri. They know the Harpy queen is dead and thus the space will be much more easily reclaimed from the Gorefeathers. Lady Vorra was made aware that someone trying to help her husband had the armor choose them. Pissed to admit, but if the armor chooses someone there is nothing she can do to go against that. Briya is humble about it, but admits that is true and shows it all the same. She tells them the Wildmother and the Law Bearer both spoke to her in the moment, and is grateful the gods picked her. But, there is an understanding that one day, far in the future, the armor would be returned home. She is then officially named "Friend of Volantim" and is now known as Briya the Wind Ward.

Prophet wants to learn and research about the Phoenix of Asmodeus. He learns the proper name is Desirat the Twilight Phoenix. She was also called the Mount of Asmodeus. But it seems to be a mistranslation… more of a carrier / right hand / Lieutenant. In some deep, old texts about her there's the vibe that behind every great man is a greater woman. Desirat sort of represents that. In the past, she has expressed anger that she's been reduced to the idea of a mount. Regarding the blood lady, in deeper texts, he finds they're more obscure. Few and far between. But is finally successful and finds the name: Vesh the Blood Siren. Not a god, but some form of long-lived entity... almost seems to be described as Succubus++ who thrives on temptation and desire; domination and punishment. Dominion over blood. Followers of Vesh are rare; only one or two per generation, and she chooses them by going to an orgy and leaving only one alive. Generally. There doesn't seem to be any mention of a blood network or specific followers though.

Regarding amnesis, it's more about Prophet spending time with himself. It's a process the Kryn use to look into themselves and connect with past lives and knowledge. He doesn't learn too much about himself, but he successfully lies to himself (insight vs. deception). He found one of his past names from the witch house in Molaesmyr, giving him a thread to pull on. E.g. thinking of being in the same place more than once as different people: Kamordah. "Spend time with the statue. Meditate on who you want to be." And he sees a vision of a circlet going onto the statue.

Yahnist wants to go hunting for monstrosities in the wilderness, and finds a gargantuan Roc in the far distance. Other creatures include multiple packs of winter wolves. He also finds two nests of arctic griffons. Here, he spends hours choosing and wooing one of the stronger and best females in the slow-falling snow. Finally he's close enough to not provoke anger or an aggressive response, and he pulls out the Figurine of Amorphous Power. This takes even longer than the hunt, but eventually the griffon accepts it. It turns into a giant snow sculpture and disappears from the physical world. And now, the statuette is a little white marble griffon. Once per day, he can summon the griffon for six hours. Yahnist gets really close to it; shows it off to the rest of the gang.

Cass casts dream on Popovski. As an Aasimar descended from angelic bloodlines, she thought these nightmare dreams were from celestial beings guiding her. But actually, it's Cass. She hits her with 12 nights of terrible disturbing dreams. Eventually, however, she figures something is going on when people point out to her that she's exhibiting severe levels of exhaustion. The dream spell stops working as it seems some sort of protection has been provided.

Prophet and Maltheo have a conversation. Asks "Xuriel" how he's feeling. They have a back and forth about the name with a very defensive posture from Prophet. Maltheo says he doesn't have to feel that way around him any more and also compliments him on Kra'naelen's eulogy. They both know they're good liars and that lying as a talent has its uses. Maltheo apologizes for snapping angrily, but says recently there have been times where Prophet really pissed him off, saying, "There's a part of you that wants to do good and yet another that wants to be afraid and saying bad things about yourself. It's leading you to make some very questionable choices."

"Maltheo, do you know what it feels like to have thousands depending on you; watching everything you do and criticizing every action? The crushing pressure that brings? I can tell you sometimes it can be more than a person can bear. This journey was a way for me to explore the world and escape that life. I found solace in this group, who, I admit, I haven't been completely open with. But I'm learning. It takes a long time for hundreds of years of isolation and pressure to be released. I also must admit I don't know everything myself."

Maltheo replies, "I'm glad you can say that; honestly I do want to help. Things are tense for you. I think there's a way out if you want to take it." And then he talks about how reincarnation for thousands of years to keep the same ruler in charge is really weird and doesn't jive with his personal beliefs. "I can't change the whole world, but everyone has limits. I would hope you take some consideration in the wisdom I am sharing with you."

Prophet agrees, saying, "I will offer to help you as long as I agree with your methods. And let's just say the people who claim to have been there for millennia may not be truthful."

Briya wants to speak with her greatfather and give him an item from the fire ashari, so she travels to their grove. He says it's so good to see her and thanks her for the item. He says he'll inform the ashari cousins in Tal'dorei. Briya says it seems the entire clan of the ones here was destroyed; that there's nothing left. He says she seems to be on the right path by going to places in nature that need saving. "It's the right direction for you." Briya thanks him. And while Briya isn't welcome to stay, they're not monsters. She can leave with jar of dialeth fruit jam. Briya also visits a worship space to the Wildmother there as she thinks she's going to become more religious after her divine experience with the vestige armor.

With her new title, bearing Harmony's Embrace, and all the recent history, she's able to think of the temple to the Wildmother in Kamordah. She remembers something that was said a long time ago that would have been forgotten but comes back during this contemplation: The town of Zadash. On the outskirts is a similar, larger temple, abandoned when that religion was outlawed. And she remembers her mother talking about reclaiming that space, giving it back to nature somehow.

And next time: the visit with the Diarchy