I think I felt something moving in the bag

Kra'naelen is brought back to the realm of the living. We learn more of the Dens Beltune and Mirram, of Prophet and Mint, and the history of Rosohna.

Fanart of Rosohna, by SonOfJoxer
Fanart of Rosohna, by SonOfJoxer

Session 15

We appear, after teleporting, in the center of a garden, in the domain of Tisiphone, in Rosohna. She’s happy to be home, and takes the beacon from us. We’ll accompany her to the beacon deposit box (the Lucid Bastion, aka City Hall). Time to move through the city, where we pass many well-dressed persons. We also recognize the estate of Den Beltune.

We arrive at the temple, and meet the acolyte within named Niminyon Thelyss. He's generally unhappy about what we're asking, as resurrections are usually very expensive, and, they go against the beliefs of the Kryn. He acquiesces, and brings us to one of the side chapels to get started. Up to three companions can contribute to Kra'naelen's resurrection; each successful contribution increases the chance of his returning. Mint offers blood and ancestry. Maltheo insights with a quiet prayer. Briya offers the book of prayer to the Great Flapper we found in the cave, and some blue drugon for good measure.

It works! Kra’naelen is resurrected.

Prophet takes us to his home: Den Beltune. He verbally unloads on Kra'naelen to his followers, and they are in total and complete adoration of him. He claims it was him, and him alone, who brought Kra'naelen back to life (with "maybe" some minor assistance from some of his followers, which is what he has been calling the gang most of this time). A meal is being prepared in our honor and to welcome us home.

We learn that Den Mirram, by comparison, are very druidic, and they learned how to make vegetation that doesn’t require sunlight. Most of the food is fungus-based, and lots of crops are kept vertically underneath the city, due to the historical nature of the Drow.

A tour of Prophet's portraits is given, with descriptions of a few of his past lives. This current reincarnation hasn’t been around that long. Has the prophet always had the same aesthetic? Is it just the first existence? Maltheo is interviewing someone who has only had one reincarnation, but has known the prophet for 100 years in their previous life. “Has he always been so sure of himself?” …awkward pause… “The whole point of cycles is to experience life in different shapes, forms, and outlooks. The prophet always had this confidence; ever since guiding us out of the underdark. It’s manifested itself in other ways before.”

It is revealed that Mint is a reincarnation; Prophet wants to introduce her to Den Mirimm. For that den, the Umavi is Skysibil Abrianna. We have a mostly-vegan feast; lots of mushrooms and such.

Then we go to visit Den Mirimm, where it’s announced that Prophet has brought back “your child” Mint to the Umavi. She replies, “Yes, I believe you’re one of ours; it’s good we found you.” Mint grabs a bow, and can tell that it’s a magical bow, but is unsure of how to handle it: something about it “feels” different. “Maybe the bow needs to get used to your new body. You are either 'Aawa' or 'Junaf'." (Note: if the bow is truly Mint's)

We learn the story of these two past lives. There was a planar rift at the edge of the Vermiloc Wildwood. Perhaps it was there that Aawa & Junaf died. Rosohna (built upon the ruins of Ghor Dranas). Prophet found the ancient ruined city and rebuilt and renamed it to Rosohna. Mint has a conversation about Tea, and if they’re “the other"? An appointment is made to meet Verin Thelyss.