
The group is frustrated when Isabelle and her wolf and Dwarf companions teleport away, but combat continues with the blood-animated corpse of Mint. A late-arrival to the scene gets us out before it's too late.

Crest of the Dwendalian Empire, an owl with open wings in red on a golden crown with wheat as feathers by @hierothraxs
Fan art of the crest of the Dwendalian Empire, by @hierothraxs

Session 34

The Raokan-inhabited vessel of the bloated body of Mint has arrived, dragging its flail behind.


Mid-combat snippets:

  • Using her heels of teleportation, Isabelle disappears along with the elderly dwarf and the wolf he was riding.
  • Briya's horns gore open Mint's corpse, helping Roakan burst out.
  • Maltheo knocks out the priest named Stroz.
  • In Maltheo's mind, he hears: "I have eyes on you... what is that?!" and replies, "It is Raokan, a demon of blood, working with the Shivvers. We need to take it down."

It is then that a woman who is chanting with glowing glyphs on her skin arrives. The heavy rain slows down in cube of air around the group; a slowing sphere around Raokan. It's Jane Tusseau (who Maltheo knows, but the rest of us do not).

An Arcana check from Cass lets us all know that the blood magic from Isabelle was allowing her to heal, and most likely has other healing properties, but also is not resistant to fire. It seems to value actions over protection.

Jane explains why we should leave as she uses a spell scroll to cast Wall of Force. Before doing so, Briya tests lightning against the yellow sphere; nothing happens. We retreat with her all the way back to the tower that was marked with Empire markings, that we noticed the previous day as we flew out of the city.

Stroz is our captive. Combat has effectively ended, and we are leveled up to 7.