How the turn tables

Lorna arrives in a surprise interruption of combat and offers a deal: since we banished Raokan, we can complete his promise of surrendering the 5 keys, and she'll let us live. We chase and kill her instead.

Image of a tattooed man in a fantasy style cloak and palts, with tattoos made of runes glowing in a golden hue
An example of a Volstrucker's arcane tattoos

Session 39

Combat continues...

Taking us all by complete surprise, Lorna arrives mid-combat. She wants to make fay deal with us. Raokan had promised her 5 stone keys, and now that he had been banished successfully, it is our duty to fulfill his end of the bargain.

We say we will, to get her to begin leaving, quickly debate chasing her, and at Prophet, Maltheo, and Cass's insistence, we give chase.

Popovsky reveals her face: she's bald with eyes that glow a burning ember orange. With her power and our prowess, we defeat Lorna thanks to some great lockdown abilities from the team.


  • 2700 gold (540 each)
  • A vial found around Lorna's neck that contains a black potion
  • A rusty metal circlet binding her hair in place. Too tight for her? Feels magical
  • Popovsky has authority to let us keep the spellweave gem