Flashback to when I cast mage armor

The main event begins in the bigtop circus tent. Feremia is revealed to be an ancient trickster being, and in the chaos Mistral dies. Briya is banished from the Velven Thicket for her mistakes and is tasked finding her own way home one day.

Flashback to when I cast mage armor
Map of the Witchlight Carnival

Session 37

Ky'leigh has arrived, tripping on some mushrooms. The circus Emcee snaps and says "Lady you have been chosen! Come, meet Andres the Fire Master." Hiznees is jealous that Briya got chosen, but is just as excited nonetheless. "Come lady, what is your name?" Briya responds in kind. "Are you ready for this? Stand over there please."

Briya moves to the center, so everyone can see. The tension is palpable in the air. Briya casts guidance on herself as the Emcee notices and says, "Oh! She is trained in the magics! Maybe this is why the fire spirits have chosen her for this."

Andres the Fire Master narrates: "The fire reveals that there could be legends about people that they don't even know. There's a tribe deep within these woods who carry... (as he talks, flames appear in the shape of a Dyolet dream tree) who have very special magics, and they keep that for themselves!" Another flame comes out and swirls around. More flames appear and dance; more flames surround Briya.

"Now we all know that's a bad thing, right audience? (cheers) Right you are! Greed is wrong..." and suddenly the fires turn into impish creatures!

Combat! Which is then interrupted:

"Stop this at once!" Briya feels a chill hearing her grandfather's voice booming out loud "Young lady you are in big trouble." Everyone calms down, including the imps. "Give me the dream catcher, now." Briya hands it over. Feremia is still afraid and runs and hides behind the cannon.

Suddenly, there's a bright-red glow on Mistral's battle axe. She feels heat on the hand as the entire thing starts burning and then explodes in a volcanic radiation; without warning, it burns the dwarf to death... Mistral couldn't let go. The last words to escape her mouth are, "Tell my family I'm sorry."

Briya's grandfather disappears; he was an illusion this entire time! The dream catcher shield hits the floor. And Feremia, hiding near the cannon, shape-shifts into an even smaller version of her form and is replaced by a little white fox. The bluish/purplish fae fire spell she was holding in her hands is released and fired at the shield on the floor. "Whoops!"

She reveals herself to be one of the very mischievous spirits known as the Kitsune: a 9 tailed fox. She says, "Thank you young Briya for fulfilling your purpose. We of the fay fire are eternally grateful. The fay fires dissipate and the last two imps vanish with Kitsune. Combat ends.

The aftermath

Two gnomish ladies step into the circus tent. One with tools and an industrial look; one straight out of the 90s with shoulder pads in her jacket. We are introduced to "Bells and Whistles", the two owners of the carnival. "What is this... What happened?" They look around and take stock of the situation. There's announcements to be made. "Dear, I don't think that thing's going to do very much for you any more." (referring to the completely singed and destroyed dream catcher Briya picked up from the ground.)

Carnival helpers and others help the civilians leave the big top; bodies are being handled with respect. A plan is being put into motion to close the carnival for the night due to the terrible tragedy. Bells and Whistles leave the circus with us and accompany the group back home to the edge of the thicket.

As we move into it, the protective charms begin to activate since we don't have the wayfinding artifact. Briya explains what's happening and tells Bells and Whistles they can't accompany us any further, and that maybe they'll see each other one day. They offer a golden ticket to everyone, permanently giving them lifetime memberships to the circus.

We give the warped and burned axe, and apologies, to the Dwarven family of Mistral. The Ashari realize they have no idea who the fox girl was, even while she was traveling in disguise. In fact, they never saw her. It seems that it was a setup the whole time. At the mention of fay fire, Elder Greenleaf says, "Because of what you've done, someone died; Fay fire can damage our trees and our heirloom shield. This entire chain of events bring quite a lot of dishonor upon you, Briya." It will be possible to make a new shield, but it's a multi-lifelong priceless heirloom that's also a spell focus, and whose power comes from it having traveled all over and through passed-down shared experiences.

Because of the dishonor, Briya is banished from the Velven Thicket. However, she can return if she's able to make her own wayfinder that allows her back in. It will have to be part of her own experiences; a thing that will make her come back to us.

Briya is going to leave the thicket. Kay'leigh let's her know that while she's gone, they'll spread and tell her story. There are going to be people who will support her. Kromithrin donates his poison pouch to Briya, and also mentions that the circus gave him a taste for adventure. He'll be leaving the thicket soon to travel the land. Laurel spins up the story mill once more: "Oh My God... be careful of fire. I just knew they couldn't be trusted. It's so dangerous! (and starts to list ALL the things that can kill you that are outside of the thicket)

The last image we see is that of Briya leaving the thicket as the sun starts to rise; the first thing she sees as she departs are the circus tents in the distance. A breeze of cold wind flies through her hair; the smell makes her think of Mistral and Mistral's pushing of Briya to be more adventurous...

The end of our two-part one shot.