Do it again, you suck at this

Defeating the strange creatures lurking in the ruins of Molaesmyr, the gang finds Monica and rescues her from the brink of death. They escape the city on summoned vultures, and claim their reward.

Digital painting of a giant vulture pulling entrails from a dead creature, wings outstretched.
Giant vultures can also carry you and your friends to safety

Session 31

Combat continues...

Finally, the umbral vampire is vanquished. The party looks around, but in vain, as there is nothing interesting to be found in the room. There is a high quality mirror, gilded even, that Kra'naelen puts into his bag of holding. Cass finds the umbral vampire's decanter and Prohpet identifies it ritually.

The decanter is made of high quality silver and is well decorated. It doesn't seem to be magical itself, but the liquid inside certainly is. It's a potion called the Bottled Abyss. (Crazy stuff; put info here)

Maltheo, Kra'naelen, Prophet, Echo and Briya go to the final house. Maltho opens the door and tons of old, rusted armor and metal objects fall as a trap; he jumps clear easily however. It really seems to be some sort of storage shed. There are tools laying around, and, a pile of bodies in the corner of a room. Some of them are even wearing the Red and Silver of the Empire's Brand (Empire's army). They have been dead for a few days.

Maltheo makes a very intense and thorough investigation for papers and information on the soldiers. It seems perhaps one of them was a combat medic, but certainly not front lines. Ka'harl Marlboro is the name of the soldier from his dog tags. Nothing of value or informative, though. But eventually, Maltheo finds that the barber seems to have used this pile of bodies as a treasure-hiding mechanism, and thus among the bodies, he finds 473 gold, 4 art objects worth 1000 gold, a witch's hat covered with candle wax. It's magical for sure.  

Prophet identifies it as the Candle Coven's Hat. (Lots of stuff with bonus actions and 7 candles; more info goes here) The group decides it's best suited for Cass.

Side note for item from last time: DIVINE BREW For 1 minute, the drinker is immune to being frightened, gains 7 (2d6) temporary hp, and has advantage on ability checks based on Charisma. The creature can't benefit from Blessed Brew again until it finishes a short or long rest.

As they're walking, Kra'naelen decides to give Maltheo his magical dagger that produces light and gives advantage on initiative. (Name??)

Meanwhile, Prophet tries to detect thoughts, and finds an unconscious mind that's dreaming of a child trying to clean the corruption in its own mind. There's another mind with thoughts from a different house, opposite the first. It also seems to be dreaming. There's no torment, however. This one seems to be more just about hunger. Maltheo picks the lock for the first one. And opens the door. Laying down on the floor behind the door on the left is a woman. Styled in a very steampunk look, leather, hair dyed bright aqua blue, safety eye goggles, etc... her sleeve is ripped off of one arm, and that arm is bitten all to hell.

She is blocked by a giant heavy metal grate, but that is cleared away from Cass using enlarge/reduce to move it. Maltheo quickly goes and puts it on the other house's door before it re-enlarges. Briya does a medicine check on the woman; she's unconscious but on death's door. Something in the venom/toxin in the bites is preventing her from waking up. Briya heals her a bit, but not enough to wake her. Her belt is enchanted in a way similar to Cass's "have-er sack" (deep pockets). Nothing else magical, so the poison must be simple poison.

The Librarians agree to take Monica and leave the shack. Briya tries to summon large flying animals to try and carry us away. She pulls from the faewild, and the surrounding darkness, to bring out two giant vultures. Huge beaks and dark, enormous wingspans. Cass casts fly on Maltheo, and the rest of the group distributes among the remaining birds... and we're all able to fly off.

In the air, we notice the city streets changing with illusion-waves before our very eyes. Vesryn starts taking notes. As we fly back, we notice the outline of the bridge coming into view; windows on an elevated building lit with firelight; a familiar banner with a silver eagle on a field of red: the Dwendalian Empire.

Suddenly, words enter Prophet's mind: "It is I, Skysibil Abrianna. We have seen them again. They are talking to a tall lady with many elbows." Prophet replies, "Understood, I will relay the message to my devouts. Once I've landed from vulture-back."

Eventually, we're able to make it back from camp, after narrowly avoiding the corrupted fae dragon still hunting for Kra'naelen. We share our information about the tower of the Empire and then decide to follow Vesryn and Monica to Tulina, to see if she can heal her. Tulina uses a magic stein that fills with a beautiful magical liquid and pours it into her mouth and then casts lesser restoration which seems to stave off the poison.

With Monica now out of danger, we show Tulina the unique items. She notes that they're very well cleaned, much to Kra'naelen's pleasure; that she loves the unicorn tapestry. In fact, there is a historical museum in Uthodurn showcasing the lost artifacts of the displaced elves. For our contributions, she gives us 1000 gold. Then, we haggle over the price of the magical hat. Prophet tries to say it's worth at least 1000 gold, but fumbles the process. Maltheo insights that she's interested in magical items, but, more magical + historical stuff, and this doesn't quite fit the bill. We keep the hat for now.

The group goes to find food and drink, and plans to long-rest at the beginning of next session.