Dead moms and whatnot

The group has lost Fox and Popovsky, just as a battle commences with 7 devils due to the instigation from a surprised masked Elf. We learn Truush, Raukan, and Mint are here somewhere. The Queen has been deposed.

Dead moms and whatnot

Session 72

The sky is an orange-tinted twilight vibe that is very colorful and serene. A thick lush forest filled with strange plants and life, but also with decay. Lotus tries to open the blood nether to save Cass from being in the Fey realm. At the same time, Maltheo tries to psychically contact Popovsky. He hears a mental reply, as if listening through layers of interference: "Can't talk right now." He lets us know.

Briya tries to polymorph Cass into a mouse, but immediately realizes when gathering the weave that it isn't going to work. This isn't the right place to try and challenge the magic of an Archfey curse. The sound grows closer; the trees begin to shake. The wheeled metal structure stops on the opposite side of a river at a small bridge. A front-facing ramp opens, and maniacal laughter comes from inside. We then see three flying small-spined devils, small in size, above the bridge. In addition, four metal motorcycle-style machines also come out of the large vehicle, each piloted by horned devil riders wearing piecemeal leather and metallic armor.

Blue (Rhiannon), red (Rebel), and green (Racer) all carrying weapons. Purple (Rocket), staying back, is holding a clawed wand. He is also slightly bigger than the others, and we get the feeling that Purple is a higher-ranking one.

Flying-red wonders who we are, and Rhiannon says they haven't had visitors in so long. Racer asks if we're part of the Resistance. Rocket asks what's wrong with the cat. Cass, with a 28 history, recognizes the realm we're in: the domain of the Queen of Luck and Ruin. But the roads and devils were not here before; she doesn't recognize them at all.

Maltheo replies that she's choking, and Rocket asks what's wrong. We all try to do some convincing for them to help, but it's not going well. Lotus implies that if they help, we could perhaps return the favor and find the Resistance they referred to. But he isn't fooled, and knows we have no idea what it even is. Briya asks directly what they want, and Maltheo interrupts to offer a "soul of his choosing" once we're back in the mortal realm and the devil counters with a "soul that Maltheo cherishes". He says, "OK. A deal. The soul of someone I've cherished." The devil agrees, and says he will have 30 days, and they shake on it.

Rocket inspects the bell; says that it was a curse to not enter Her kingdom. But the solution is simple: it's not her kingdom anymore. At this realization, Cass immediately stops choking to death. Maltheo asks what the name of our new benefactor, and Rocket gives his and his companions' names. Briya and Maltheo ask how to get back home; how to find the leader. Raukan (Devil) and Truush (Demon) are mentioned as working together in a joint effort. (Demons & Devils working together??)

Æsheryn notices Fox isn't here; but that could mean anything. Could be near or far as time and distance here are always flexible. Maltheo mentions Mint, and they say "She's here and she's doing well, that big, tall orc lady. I guess she's probably training. There's a big race coming in a few days; a good racer ever since she crawled out of the hells herself."

Briya feels Popovsky coming toward us at a quick pace after casting Locate Creature. Briya also feels more rumbling on the ground; seems to be coming from under the bridge. In a quick motion, in the water to the right, a tall, muscular figure with a bald head, ponytail, and wearing a scale mask jumps out of the water and up to the first imp in the sky, and attacks it with his sword.


Æsheryn hears the masked attacker shout, "For my queen!"

Yahnist attacks him and he's surprised he's being attacked; Thought we were on his side. Maltheo is able to pickpocket Rocket during a failed attack. He pulls out something larger than a coin, triangular in shape, glowing with faint pearlescent shine. Pockets it and moves away toward Racer.

Sunbeams, walls of force, and motorcycle battles!

Briya is attacked enough as a displacer beast that she's forced to drop her form, and she reappears with some health missing. Lotus wheelie-jumps over Rocket, killing him with a meat-grinder wheel attack.

The stranger elf gets on the purple bike and says there's people who want to meet us. Monica says we should go. Maltheo keeps Racer as a prisoner of war, and the battle ends. We all follow the stranger on his path.