Counterspell? Try cockblock!

We meet Popovsky in Molaesmyr, and head out to find the Stone Giant Azeersa. She's bee completely corrupted into a Storm Giant, and must be defeated to obtain the spider key.

Counterspell? Try cockblock!

Session 70

In the ruins of Molaesmyr, at the Dwendalian camp of soldiers. West of this, far in the distance is a concentrated rain storm they have all noticed for the past few days. Their teleportation circle glows and Archmage Popovsky appears, accompanied by a tall automaton carrying a large shield and war pick. Their cloaks are blowing in the wind from the storm, even though it's not concentrated here. Jane and Popovsky talk of the last few days. Popovsky says tomorrow morning some people will use the circle, and, "The Diarchy will be at our doors", and retires for the evening. The automaton sets up metal scraps and bloody trails to welcome the guests tomorrow.

That next day, we arrive at that time (the guests she was expecting) and all appear under a large arch made of metal scraps, the glow of the circle fading on the automaton's metal skin. Calling himself "Protector 78", he runs to us yelling, "Puppies!" as it hugs Yahnist. "Welcome! I was told to welcome you. Did I do it well?" We ask to be taken to Popovsky. Cass realizes this automaton is similar to the ones we found a while back in the mines we were rescued from. But, this one seems brand new. Something we haven't actually seen before. "Protector 77 was killed by Popovsky; she had suspected a spy. Made me as a replacement!" There are others — Avenger 32 for example, and Tea Maker 312, who still hasn't found the right blend that she likes.

P78 takes us to her, as she's drinking her morning tea; hood down. "No, that's not it." We see for the second time, the half-human, half-halfling woman, with a shaved head featuring a tattoo of a triangular eye on her forehead. She has no hair as usual, but unlike before, her eyebrows and such aren't "preened". A green pearl is floating around her head as some sort of protection magic. She refuses healing from Æsheryn and says she'll only accept spells from that which she's prepared herself and that she's dissatisfied with her current automaton's programming.

She says that the arrangement is clear that only one key is still in the wild, and that we are to close the gate. We check for final preparations and Popovsky prepares for battle dual-wielding a sword and staff; we think we may be dealing with the original stone giant and a storm giant, possibly.

She gives Æsheryn, P78, and Maltheo the ability to fly, as Cass, Briya, and Yahnist handle themselves. Her magic is quick, clean, and efficient. We approach the storm, and the flying conditions get more difficult. It's only a few hundred feet wide in diameter. We're absolutely heading toward where we previously met Azeersa, and eventually land. It's raining heavily, mixed with wind and fog.

The tower looks different. One side has been torn off. The previous artwork has been covered and oozed on, covering most of it with black ichor. Maltheo and Yahnist try and see what they can find with Azeersa. Popovsky is annoyed that no one is here, but as soon as she says "Where is she?", a shape of a woman swirling in the rain invisibly appears. Cass remembers that some storm giants, when they reach a certain level of power, can seem to become one with the storm.

A loud crack of thunder and lightning rings out after Maltheo shouts into the storm calling her name. "You again!" she replies. "You left with the visions for so long. I couldn't see the dream. You left with the others, but now I can smell them on you. My art is gone because I only had the spider to guide me. I didn't realize just how much they needed to be together. But now, they're here!" (She's stomping between each sentence). We made sure the Fox has hidden himself away from us, nearby in a house, to keep out of the rain. "You finally brought them all back. They can join me in the dream." The tower starts pouring black liquid on all sides. Azeersa then appears in front of Maltheo ready to fight.


Yahnist - 29
Popovsky - 21
Lair action - 20
Echo - 18
Maltheo - 15
Æsheryn - 14
Giant - 13
Briya - 12
Homunculus - 9
P78 - 5
Cass - 4

Yahnist flies up and hits her with a crossbow bolt, and discovers her resistance to cold damage and non-magical melee attacks. Also her immunity to lightning and thunder. He hunter's marks her and hits again for extra fire damage. Popovsky unsheathes her sword and hastes time around herself. She runs to Azeersa, jumps, and tries to stab her in the chest. Maltheo moves up and realizes there's some sort of invisible barrier around her that triggers a charisma saving throw. He activates his astral arms and attacks her. After that, she takes a legendary action to send wind against him, but he stands his ground with winged flair.

Æsheryn casts spirit guardians. Then she sends wind against him in retaliation and he's pushed 20 feet away. On her turn, she creates a black ichor javelin and throws it at Maltheo causing major damage. Throws a second toward Yahnist causing Mittaine to take piercing damage. Briya sunbeams her, and then turns into an air elemental flying right up to and in front of her. Cass's homunculus flies up and releases the spell bead that unleashes a sickening radiance spell. P78 moves up and casts a chemical flame jet at her for fire damage.

She uses her wind attack again, this time against P78 but he stays put. Cass gives Maltheo haste. Yahnist ties her up while flying causing her to be grappled and restrained. On Popovsky's turn, she takes the sickening radiance exhaustion and damage, and moves out of the AOE. She activates "radiant consumption" in a purple and silvery effect.

A lair action centered on Cass causes her, Maltheo, and Briya to be contained within a fog cloud. Maltheo moves behind her and attacks a bunch of times. Then she uses two remaining legendary actions to gather storm power into a bolt of ink and sends it at Briya. Briya is resistant to thunder as an elemental, and takes minimal damage. Æsheryn tries to reach out to Corellon for divine intervention but doesn't receive aid, so he attacks with his spiritual weapon.

She attacks Æsheryn and hits once, in a not insignificant shot, but he maintains spirit guardians. Briya gets briefly charmed, but escapes it at the end of her turn. The homunculus backs away from the battlefield, while P78 channels flame jets on her again. It hits hard. She uses all 3 legendary actions to become one with the storm. Cass holds a momentary stasis for her reappearance. Yahnist does the same with a crossbow attack. Popovsky does the same. Lair action wind blasts Yahnist, Echo, Æsheryn, and P78 15 feet away. Maltheo holds his attack. Æsheryn too.

On her turn, she does not reappear and dashes into the clouds.