Can't you just make it 9 inches?

In Vol'antim, the Librarians play truth or dare, revealing secrets. Cass seeks vengeance, Maltheo contemplates regicide. They ally with the Horizon to tackle Harpies. Cass continues using Dream on Popofsky, and preparations begin for their mission to Mount Mentiri.

Can't you just make it 9 inches?

Session 55

Still in Vol'antim, the Librarians find themselves at the temples of Melora, the Wildmother, and Erathis, the Lawbearer. The air in these holy places makes the group feel more open and truthful, and they decide to have a bit of a game of truth or dare.

On a truth, Yahnist admits that his most shameful moment was when he lost a fight at 8 years old against one of the weakest children in his village in melee combat. Prophet asks Maltheo what he and Briya were up to during the Kryn & Empire skirmish in the mountains when Kra'naelen had died. He avoids answering and instead plays knifey-handy with his tail, and succeeds.

Cass reveals to all that the reason she can't return to the Feywild is that her collar will explode and kill her. With further questions from Briya, she also says the reason she hates Archmage Popofsky is that she worked, along with Athesis Uludan, to take down her mistress: Astoria Ellheart. Briya has actually heard of Uludan. He's a Jafar-looking archmage of diplomatic union in the Assembly — their secretary of state in essence. He's the one who would have declared war on Xhorhas. Popofsky has become his puppet.

Further, Astoria Ellheart was a member of the Assembly, and she met Cass at a very young age of just 3 years old, around the same time Cass had just been exiled. Cass had promised to keep her safe, but failed, and their over 40 years of friendship is just... gone. Cass has a plan though.

Cass asks Maltheo who he would kill if he had just one person to choose. Before answering, Maltheo makes it clear that hearing his answer could make anyone complicit in the murder were it to ever actually happen. Pushed to keep going, he says that he'd certainly like to have his target talk first; give him a chance to change Maltheo's mind. But it would be a very hard sell, and not much would be able to convince him that the King of the Empire, Dwendal himself, has to go. (The name was revealed to us all mentally to avoid being overheard)

He continues to explain after a question from Yahnist that his reasons are that the King is largely responsible for the continuing war against Xhorhas, and the increasing wealth disparity among the Empire, including the increasing hardships faced by many. He simply can't abide by it any more; the suffering must end. Cass agrees, and says that if Maltheo helps her avenge her mistress, she'll help him kill the King.

Briya is panting breathlessly at all of this revelation and talk of regicide. Kra'naelen has remained silent in contemplation. The hardships people face in Uthodurn are those that are environmental in nature, and also somewhat from isolation. He's quietly shocked that a King could be so out of touch with his people that some speak of his murder.

Briya squeaks out a desire to end the game for the moment, but Prophet asks her if she wanted someone killed; the thing that killed her mother. She says that, no, it was a wild animal. But Prophet says it may have just been something that took the form of one, just like she can.

With the game over, Cass hears Maltheo privately ask Prophet if he's actually happy being being "The Prophet". He chokes up a bit in reply, saying that he's been chasing a high that being Prophet is supposed to bring, but it never seems to be realized. Maltheo says that there are other parts to play, to which Prophet dodges and turns comments to the weather.

Finally, Cass casts Dream on Popofsky for the 7th time and the group long rests.

In the morning, they meet up with Klekkag. Prophet gives his daily inspiration of temporary HP, but forgoes disguising himself, as the politics of the war aren't very relevant in Vol'antim. Cass gives himself mage armor, and to Maltheo and Prophet gives Fortune's Favor.

Klekkag says they'll meet with the Horizon today, as they're in session, but warns that tensions in the hall are high: the scouting party, including 1 of the 12 of the Horizon, has not returned, even though he was an accomplished warrior and guardian of the city.

Prophet gives the group a telepathic bond as they're carried through the city. They notice that the visible parts of the city are only a fraction of its whole. There are many caves, marked in Primordial script (acting as "road signs"), that lead to other parts; at least half of the city is within the mountain. Through one of these, lit both by oil lamps and magical sources, the group is led up into higher areas of activity. They see all sorts of sub-groups of Arakocra: eagles, peacocks, owls, and others. City guards in their simple uniforms of leather armor with single-shoulder togas are spread around.

Finally, they reach the top of a tall tunnel ending with a wrought-iron gate guarded by heavily-armed guards with spears and crossbows. We're allowed to pass, and see the remaining 11 of 12 members of the Horizon resting on their wooden chair-perches in a circle, each marked with a family banner of sorts, denoting name and position. They're speaking in a language we don't know, but the sounds are enough to intone a conversation fraught with frustration and stress.

Maltheo telepathically reminds the rest of the group that the plan is straightforward: we're to convey that we are mercenaries who can help the Horizon investigate the disappearance of the scouting party and fight the Gorefeather Harpies. To assist, Prophet casts Tongues on himself.

A small owlet scribe ushers Klekkag, who has transformed into his hybrid form, and the rest forward into the chamber. With Cass's Detect Magic up, it is revealed that there is some sort of magical climate bubble keeping this cold and windy peak comfortable for those here, and that the chamber is protected from scrying and other kinds of detection spells. The Arakocra elders are of all kinds, colors, types, and ages.

One in particular, an older vulture-like female with very large, black feathers and nearly-balding head, is holding a long wooden scepter, painted with symbols. Klekkag addresses her as Lady Vorha, and she begrudgingly switches to speaking Common for our benefit. Maltheo and Prophet convey our reasons for being here, namely that we seek the group of Fire Ashari that have entered Mount Mentiri, and are willing to help search for the missing scouting party and cripple the expansion of the Harpies in exchange for a guide and some diversions.

At first, they're hesitant to assist: they are weary of possibly losing more of their kind in this pursuit. But once we remind them that this time it's our lives that are on the line, they become more amenable. With Prophet's help, Maltho is extremely persuasive. They offer us a small selection of flying mounts to assist, as well as some boom sticks (explosives) they have developed.

Further, if we're able to take out the brood mother, a reward will certainly be offered to us; even more so if we're able to locate and rescue (or recover) Elder Giir, the missing 12th member of the Horizon, and Lady Vorha's mate. He carries with him a relic of divinity: a very special breastplate. We agree to these objectives.

Maltheo has a final inquiry, one that most in the chamber find strange. He's on the hunt for any particularly horrid criminals; ones that would most likely suffer a death penalty if caught. They say they don't use capital punishment, and instead most often prescribe banishment as a deterrent to crime. But, there is one seemingly well-hidden criminal who is introducing a strange substance to the youth in the city. Something that's causing them to be more and more belligerent, loud, and even dangerous to themselves. If we're able to "take care of" that problem, they certainly wouldn't mind.

We arrive back in the main part of the city, where word has spread of our arrival. We're given free reign to explore and take advantage of what it has to offer. Most view us with an air of guarded suspicion, but nothing outright hostile. We have the three giant eagles on loan for our travels, and decide to find two things. First, a magic shop to see what's for sale, and secondly, a drug dealer for Maltheo to kill. Much to Briya and Kra'naelen's consternation, Maltheo says it's to help him learn a new ability.

Level up! (Level 10)

Magic shop contents:

Javelin of LightningWeapon (Javelin)Uncommon1,200 gp
Dancing RapierWeapon (rapier)Rare1620 gpYes
Potion of Greater HealingPotionUncommon120 gp
Potion of HealingPotionCommon40 gp
Potion of Superior HealingPotionVery Rare360 gp
Potion of Supreme HealingPotionVery Rare1,080 gp
Ring mail Armor of Resistance (Acid)ArmorRare4,830 gpYes
Scroll of Antimagic FieldScrollVery Rare8,200 gp
Scroll of Chill TouchScrollCommon16 gp
Scroll of Green-Flame BladeScrollCommon16 gp
Scroll of Healing SpiritScrollUncommon192 gp
Scroll of InfestationScrollCommon16 gp
Scroll of Investiture of WindScrollVery Rare2,050 gp
Scroll of Produce FlameScrollCommon16 gp
Scroll of Searing SmiteScrollCommon96 gp
Scroll of ShieldScrollCommon96 gp
Scroll of Unseen ServantScrollCommon96 gp
Scroll of Warding BondScrollUncommon192 gp
Splint Armor of Resistance (Thunder)ArmorRare4,960 gp
Obsidian StarWeapon (dagger)Rare3,100 gpYes
Mimic SmilemakerWondrous ItemCommon45 gp
Chi-balancing TeaPotionRare275 gp
Shifter's ShinePotionUncommon180 gp
Potion of Dragon's BreathPotionRare380 gp
Druidic Shape Charm (Monster)Wondrous IteamVery Rare4215 gpYes (Druid)
Ring of Dagger IceRingVery Rare3785 gpYes
Necromancer's CuffWondrous ItemUncommon318 gpYes