But I'm still in fireball range!

Jane brings the Librarians to the Empire's tower camp. They have conversations about the military, devils and the Shivver, Isabelle's motivations, and the imminently arriving Archmage.

Image of a human figure bathed in light appearing inside of a geometric circle within circles on the ground
Dramatic visual of a teleportation circle

Session 35

The group leaves the phenomenon's area, following Jane. Briya, as a giant elk, is carrying the unconscious prisoner, and the rest are having small conversations. Maltheo subtly lets Prophet know that we're heading toward an Empire stronghold and he might want to hide his appearance if he can.

Vesryn is returning to the Uthodurn camp with Agden, after giving us a bottle of sunlight, and the sculpted stone spider to Kra'naelen (which joins our sculpted wolf key), who then asks him to send word to Sumina. Prophet says some healing words for Maltheo and Agden.

Maltheo says "that's what we need to tell them" to Jane (but Josh didn't catch what he said)

The group arrives at the Empire's camp in the tower building.

Jane speaks Zemian (which is an ancient language from the Dwendalian Empire; it has a vocal quality that compares to modern day German) and the doors unlock at her command. We enter the courtyard of the fortification. Most of everything is intact, compared to the rest of Molaesmyr. There are guards walking around the courtyard who salute Jane as we walk past. They take our prisoner and keep him bound to prevent him from casting magic, if he wakes up.

We reach a well at the end of the courtyard, behind which is a red glowing circle on the ground. Nearby, we enter a building with a small mess hall, and above there's a room where Jane brings us for a debriefing. Maltheo elaborates: a blood devil named Roakan who is a servant of Asmodeus. (Something about Xalicas). And is working with the Shivvers. Also of note: Isabelle practices Hemocraft, which is very rare.

Those with knowledge of some history put together that dwarves + blood magic + empire = around 300 years ago the Dwendalian Empire was actually two countries. The Dwendalian Kingdom (the North and Eastern region) and the Julous Dominion (the Western region), which was a monarchy with a long line of dwarves. Legends say that demonic invasions happened within the Julous Dominion, and it was the first appearance of blood magic. It eventually collapsed because of all the infighting around blood magic. The Dwendalian Kingdom swooped in during this period of upheaval, conquered the Dominion, and from it created the current-day Dwendalian Empire. Rumors persist that blood magic can be carried through bloodlines.

Jane formally introduces herself as Spellsword Jayne Tusso of the Volstrucker. It's a sub-division of the Cerberus Assembly that heavily uses battle magic. The Volstrucker are taught and conditioned physically to carry battle magic with them, which explains the glyphs in her skin that are activated by vocal chanting).

One of her main concerns is to cast a teleportation circle every day, working toward making it permanent. It's been a few months into the year required to do so. Due to being inside Molaesmyr, Briya wonders if Jane is being more truthful or more proud. Maltheo is also curious as to why Cass is asking about Archmage Popovski suddenly. Is the interest genuine? But he isn't insightful enough to figure it out. She lets us know that she'll inform Archmage Popovski of these events, and gives us leave to rest.

As we leave the room and cross in front of others in the camp, many are looking at Prophet and are very surprised to see Kryn at all. But it's not Empire territory and we're at the "edge" of civilized land, so nothing escalates further.

We head to Stroz (the prisoner) for questioning. Briya heals him and Maltheo stands over his face as he regains consciousness; let's him know that his helpfulness is the only thing keeping him alive.

M: "Your boss is using blood magic and working with a devil: why?"
S: "Why? He came to us! He seems to be the answer to Isabelle's prayers for a long time. And his goals line up with our own."

Prophet is able to see surface thoughts: Isabelle wants to regain her birthright.

M: "Is she a descendent?"

Prophet reads: yes.

S: "She wants to reclaim it. An informant said there was an artifact here that would help her further her goals for reclaiming Julous territory."

Isabelle and her companions heard rumors of blood hag. They met with Lorna thinking she'd be able to help Raokan come into his true form. She told Stroz that the less she says, the better. Stroz also says that his human family has been following the Julous bloodline for a while; it's time for the Empire to step down. Maltheo and Stroz talk about how no one really likes the king if they're a commoner. Maltheo gags him again and leaves the room, as Briya notices for the first time Maltheo wearing a symbol on a chain (among many other trinkets) the same that the nearby soldiers are wearing.

Cass telepathically lies to Stroz: "Isabelle sent me to help you; what should I do?" However, knowing full well they were in combat earlier and even cast Stasis on him Stroz, he mentally replies: "Ha! That attempt was pathetic." Cass removes and takes a long metal chain with a simple non-magical ring of celtic knotwork in a red metallic color, then leaves while transmitting "If you change your mind let me know." Cass exits the room and then discards the jewelry into the nearby water.

Jane returns and says she had a conversation with her supervisor. "But as usual, she took matters into her own hands and will be here tomorrow. Best that you take time to rest. I believe her intent is to banish this creature."

Briya and Maltheo talk privately about just what sort of military person Maltheo is. Briya's grandparents have spoken very, very ill of blood magic. In reply, Maltheo says "The biggest lie the gods have ever told us is that there's a preordained order to anything." Briya asks what brought him to Xorhas in the first place, and in reply is told that it was a combo of military and and mercenary reasons.

Separately, Prophet and Cass have a conversation about not liking Jane. Cass seems to want to sabotage the teleportation circle. Prohpet appears to want to assist. Using Suggestion is brought up, but is deemed to not be viable. Maybe they can convince a guard to do it... If not, maybe Song of Creation could do something with rocks to disturb the magic, but arcana knowledge seems to point toward no. In the end, they don't come up with a concrete plan.

Briya notices a bloodhawk in the sky, as well as a dragonfly and a flying snake.

Cass and Briya play with Stasis, just to test out what effects and things Briya can notice while in Stasis. (We then talk about the rules for a very long time)

The next morning, camp is bustling with activity under a lightly-cloudy sky. Jane has everyone preparing for Popovski's arrival. Two hours after sunrise, Jane is looking polished and nervous. Prophet disguises himself rather well, and everyone waits for the Archmage. It takes longer than expected. But then, in a flash of light, the teleportation circle opens and two figures appear: A massive animated suit of armor, and standing next to it, a small woman in all manners of the word. Taller than a halfling, but not by much. Small frame; beautiful maroon tunic with a brown cloak lined in gold trim, leading to a fully-gold trimmed hood that covers her eyes. She carries a black, gnarled wooden staff that has been inlaid with gold in all places.

"Archmage... let me introduce to these Librarians I was telling you about."