Bitch, continued

The gang finds an ally and confronts Pellinost, but is too late to save him as Bol'bara has been consumed by her patron, Trush. Pellinost dies and she is subdued, to hopefully be restored later.

A possible visage of Bol'bara, a goblin warlock, by Andre Carnero
A possible visage of Bol'bara, a goblin warlock, by Andre Carnero

Session 4 - Rhys absent; Sam remote

The part of the group that has stayed in the mess hall decides to have a conversation with Inquisitor Pellinost and Commander Felmont. Maltheo leaves the smithy shop and checks in on Prophet in his cage. He’s separated from his stuff, and in a state of meditation.

Pellinost and Felmont return to the mess hall. Pellinost wants to know how we managed to catch Prophet? We keep our lie simple and say that we had spied on him from afar, and after hearing him talk about weird religious stuff, decided to bring him to Pellinost. The lie seems to work, as Pellinost babbles on, and then pulls out a notebook and asks specifically about what Prophet said about The Luxon. He’s very interested in their religion.

He offers us hospitality, 40 gold, and lodging for the night, for our troubles. He retreats into the back room, leaving only Felmont behind. He will bring us to our tent and show us the way. Maltheo gets him alone, and shows him the Trust paperwork, like he did to the blacksmith. He seems possibly receptive? And then totally receptive. He wants to discredit Pellinost and offers to be a witness. Felmont knows about the death and resurrection cycles and thinks they're abhorrent. Everyone then hears a blood-curdling sound and we immediately decide to confront Pellinost in the mess hall. He’s there, and being chased by Bol'bara’s body, which is twisted and leaking fluids and is a horror.

He gets knocked prone, but comes to and summons a spiritual weapon. Maltheo goes for the body. The group coordinates our attacks and Pellinost is killed. Bol'bara is put to sleep. We grab his religion notebook, keys, and owl-hilted sword. We restrain, blind, and gag Bol'bara before she can wake.

Maltheo goes to Pellinost’s tent, and there, finds a very large notebook in the desk showing that he’s interested in death and mentions heretics, pagans, and says if they can do that, what will happen when he can? Bol'bara is also mentioned in the book. Another name is mentioned: the more he gave her pain, the more her patron Trush seemed to manifest. In the chest we find 75 gp of silver powder, and a pearl.

Kra'naelen uses his arcane knowledge to try and figure out what was going on. It seems that what Maltheo said is pretty clear: a connection with some sort of entity like Trush, with death after death, could have caused her condition. Bringing Bol'bara back to a safe place could be a way to “turn off” the defense mechanism. Perhaps the great circle of stones with strange colors and magic that we saw from the tower.

Level up! And looted items:

Item Effect
Pipes of Haunting WIS save or cause fear for 1 minute
Elven Chain Magical bonus to AC +1
Headhunter's Lantern Fill this in later...