A nothic? Sounds made up.

With Urzin left behind us, the group travels south toward the Ifolon River in search of a nothic. They find a kobold hideout on the way and free them from their overbearing leader.

A nothic. Note: not the version imagined by Prophet
A nothic. Note: not the version imagined by Prophet

Session 7

It's time to mount up and move out. We are one day from the river, heading southeast. All the while, Prophet is telling tales (probably lying to garner likes). The group arrives at the Ifolon River just as daylight is ending. Mint does a casting of augury to find information about our upcoming tasks and learns that we’re probably in the right place.

Prophet makes some sort of approximation of what a sexy “nothic” would look like, based on Kra’naelen’s description, in order to lure other nothics to the area in order to mate. It leads to the trap actually working, and instead of attracting one nothic, it attracts three of them.

After killing the nothics, Kra’naelen is able to get one of the nothics' eyes. It’s then placed into the jar he had received from Bol'bara with a certain clear liquid, and transforms into a ley line-finding compass of sorts. Amusingly, and annoyingly, Prophet tries to make a copy using another eyeball and just some water, to somewhat disgusting results. The group rests for the evening.

The mountain with the kobolds that we’ve been asked to take care of is approximately one day of travel away. On the way there, we find one single gigantic footprint, inside of which is an overturned cart marked with "Dibb’s". The creatures inside attack Prophet upon his attempting to speak with them, whereupon they fill him up with arrows, six to be precise.

The group dispatches all but one of them, and follows the survivor into the underground lair hidden in the floor. It's there they meet the rest of the gang, as well as Dibb... their leader. He is completely crazy. We watch as he kills his own goons to try and maintain top-dog status. But he's mostly all talk and no follow-through, as we down him quickly. His remaining followers are cowed, and we’re able to find some gold and leave behind a democracy in the hideout.